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Assessing Blue Carbon Storage at Sites Restored th...

To mitigate the impacts of climate change, there is a global initiative to quantify and award carbon credits for restoration and conservation of blue carbon habitats. These habitats are known ...


The Role of Blue Carbon Ecosystems in Natural Infr...

Researchers collect vegetation samples in the high marsh habitat at Deal Island, MD A sediment core taken from 1m below the surface of the saltmarsh at Deal Island, MD. "Blue ...

Research Fills Gap in Understanding Greenhouse Gas...

New research by NCCOS scientists provides data to help fill a gap in our understanding of the fate of coastal wetland sediment carbon following disturbance events. Stored organic carbon in ...

NCCOS Helps Military with Long-term Resiliency at ...

NCCOS's expertise in salt marsh response to sea level rise helped inform the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) on the best strategies for ecosystem-based management at U.S. Marine Corps Base ...

Location, Inundation, and Nitrogen Availability Dr...

Two publications resulting from U.S. Department of Defense-funded research to support ecosystem-based management in coastal military installations have been published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences. The research was a ...

Salt Marsh Carbon Capture & Response to Sea Level ...

Nathan McTigue, former NRC post-doc with NCCOS, carrying a sediment core removed from a salt marsh on USMC Base Camp Lejeune. The results of this research project, including analysis of ...

NCCOS Participates in Southeast Living Shorelines ...

The Governors' South Atlantic Alliance held the Southeast Living Shorelines Workshop at the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science in Charleston on October 12-13, 2016. In an effort to expand ...

NCCOS Living Shorelines Research Attracts Internat...

A delegation from the Ecosystem Conservation Society of Japan (ECS-J) recently visited the NCCOS laboratory in Beaufort, NC to learn about living shorelines. ECS-J is the largest conservation group in ...

NOS and NCCOS Leadership Experience Beaufort Lab S...

Last month, the NOAA Beaufort Lab received twohigh level visitors: David Holst, the Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator of NOS, and Mary Erickson, the Director of NCCOS. The NOAA campus in ...

'From Seeds to Shorelines' Comes to North Carolina

NCCOS scientist, Dr. Carolyn Currin, North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve Education Coordinator, Lori Davis, and North Carolina Sea Grant Marine Education Specialist, Teri Kerby Hathaway, are bringing the successful ...

Scientists Determine Value of Habitat's Ability to...

Humans have dramatically increased the nitrogen load to coastal systems leading to eutrophication. Putting a monetary value on an ecosystem's ability to remove nitrogen is effective for communicating the significance ...


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Climate Change

Changes in climate and an increase in extreme events can alter coastal ecosystems and the services those ecosystems provide to support our coastal communities and economy. NCCOS’s research efforts seek ...

NOAA Internship Opportunities

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