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A Multidisciplinary, Integrative Approach to Valui...

We are estimating the economic value from natural and nature-based infrastructure investments to stabilize coastline. Using hazard risks along the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast, we are assigning a dollar value ...

Acoustic Tracking of Fish Movements to Support Hab...

We are monitoring the movement and residence time of fish in several coastal ecosystems. Our objectives are to document habitat preferences of fish, the timing and scales of their mobility, and ...

Advancing Natural Solutions to Sea Level Rise Impa...

We are advancing technical guidance to provide resource managers critical information to better prioritize and weigh trade offs among different coastal management strategies along 300 miles of the north-central California ...

Assessing Blue Carbon Storage at Sites Restored th...

To mitigate the impacts of climate change, there is a global initiative to quantify and award carbon credits for restoration and conservation of blue carbon habitats. These habitats are known ...

Assessment of Hurricane Impacts to Coral Reefs in ...

In 2017, major hurricanes impacted coral reefs in both Florida and Puerto Rico. We quantified these impacts using diver-based surveys, and our information was used to guide targeted emergency stabilization ...

Assessment of the Beneficial Use of Dredged Sedime...

Navigation channels across the country require regular maintenance dredging to avoid infilling with sediments and becoming impassible. In an experimental strategy that is often referred to as “beneficial use,” sediments ...

Considerations and Tradeoffs of UAS-based Coastal ...

NCCOS researcher tests Unoccupied Aerial System at Swan Island in the Chesapeake Bay, August 2021. Credit: NOAA. Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS) provide a low-cost approach to collecting high-resolution aerial imagery, ...

Dynamic Sea Level Rise Assessments of the Ability ...

We are applying coupled hydrodynamic and marsh models to evaluate the potential for natural and nature-based features to mitigate flood risk under multiple scenarios, and to quantify the economic and ...

Ecological Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Flood Prot...

We will evaluate how restored and natural coastal wetlands buffer flooding impacts in Coos Bay (Oregon) and Grays Bay (Washington). Why We Care Increasing flood and salinity levels from sea-level ...

Economic Valuation of Shoreline Protection by Natu...

Natural infrastructure, such as seagrass beds, oyster reefs, and sand dunes can aid in protecting coastal communities. Without these natural defenses, storm surge, erosion, and sea level rise can have ...


Atmospheric River Storms Threaten Communities and ...

Atmospheric rivers — also known as "rivers in the sky" — are long, narrow bands of concentrated water vapor that can produce high winds and massive amounts of snow and ...

Resilient Coastal Cities Need to Know the Five W’s...

There is growing evidence that flood risks in the United States have historically been underestimated, and will disproportionately impact individuals within low-wealth and marginalized communities. New research offers the Los ...

Drilling Holes in Alabama Roads to Learn How to Pr...

Top left: Drilling of a hole that can be used to place the instruments (moisture sensors and piezometers)Top right: Placement of a piezometer followed by three capacitance sensors to measure ...

New Study Examines the Role of Roots and Below Gro...

Dunes help protect communities from storms, and vegetation helps stabilize dunes by reducing wind and water erosion and by trapping and accumulating new sediment. While the importance of aboveground plant ...

Right Plants in Right Places Key to Island Restora...

Natural breakwaters — such as marshes, islands, and oyster reefs — help protect people and property from coastal flooding by damping wave energy and slowing storm surge. Despite these advantages, ...

Aerial Drone Guidelines for Marsh Monitoring Publi...

NCCOS researcher tests Uncrewed Aircraft System at Swan Island, in Chesapeake Bay, August 2021. Credit: NOAA. NCCOS and partners have published guidance on using aerial drones to detect changes in ...

NCCOS Awards $11 Million for Research to Enhance C...

Motorists crossing a flooded street in a low-lying Norfolk neighborhood called Colonial Place, which floods at every high tide. Credit: Chesapeake Bay Program/Will Parson NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean ...

New Report Provides Performance Evaluation Framewo...

Aerial photograph of Swan Island in August 2022, three years after restoration. The town of Ewell on nearby Smith Island is shown in the distance. Credit NOAA Natural infrastructure, including ...

New ArcGIS Wave Transformation Toolbox (ArcWaT) Pr...

A NOAA funded research team has produced a wave transformation toolbox that delivers outputs on wave processes from state-of-the-art and highly complex hydrodynamic and wave models in intuitive and accessible ...

Communities in Southwest Florida Receive New Tools...

A NOAA funded study led by the University of Florida and Florida Gulf Coast University has recently published two new research papers and a community planning tool called ACUNE (Adaptation ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Ecological Assessment of the Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediments for Island Restoration: Mordecai Island, Barnegat Bay, NJ

Scientists from the NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) documented sediment and soil characteristics, erosion rates and biological communities within the sediment placement region and in undisturbed inter‐and subtidal regions of Mordecai Island from 2017 – 2019. The ...

Economic Valuation of Shoreline Protection within the Jacques Cousteau National Estuarine Research Reserve

This study focuses on the ecosystem of coastal habitats (e.g., seagrass beds, marshes, and coastal forests), which operate as natural infrastructure, and can benefit coastal communities, other types of human development, and economic activity by reducing the impacts of coastal ...

Guidelines for Bathymetric Mapping and Orthoimage Generation using sUAS and SfM, An Approach for Conducting Nearshore Coastal Mapping

The absence of accurate, contemporary, or detailed bathymetric data in nearshore coastal waters impedes coastal research, conservation, disaster response, planning, and management efforts. The use of small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) and low cost RGB (red, blue, green) cameras, coupled ...

NCCOS Assessment: Coral Disturbance Response Monitoring (DRM) along the Florida Reef Tract following Hurricane Irma from 2017-10-09 to 2017-10-18 (NCEI Accession 0179071)

This data set contains both coral demographic data and roving diver surveys conducted on October 9 - 18, 2017 to assess the impacts of Hurricane Irma on sections of the Florida Reef Tract. A total of 57 sites were completed, ...

General Pages

Climate Change

Changes in climate and an increase in extreme events can alter coastal ecosystems and the services those ecosystems provide to support our coastal communities and economy. NCCOS’s research efforts seek ...

Restoration and Nature-Based Solutions

Coastal storms, flooding, and rising seas combined with loss of habitat and biodiversity threaten coastal communities, livelihoods, and ecosystems. Nature-based solutions involve the intentional use of natural and nature-based features ...

NOAA Internship Opportunities

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