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Modeling and mapping marine bird distributions on ...

Seabirds and other marine birds are wide-ranging and highly mobile so mapping their at-sea distributions presents a significant challenge. The purpose of this project was to produce high-resolution predictive maps ...


Massive Everglades Restoration Project Unlikely to...

NCCOS scientists Matt Kendall (middle left) and Arliss Winship (middle right) quantify trawl catch in southwest Florida with staff from the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. Credit: Bethany Williams, ...

Study: Fish Biodiversity in a Caribbean Mangrove B...

A new NCCOS study finds biodiversity in a U.S. Virgin Islands mangrove bay is 30-50% lower than 25 years ago. With partners from the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and ...

NCCOS Helps Define Best Practices for Modeling Dis...

Predictive habitat modeling for an example deep-sea coral species along the U.S. West Coast. From left to right, locations of observed coral occurrences, predicted distribution of relative habitat suitability, and ...

NCCOS in the Caribbean: Arliss Winship Field Blog

How the travelling salesman saved a day of Caribbean field work | by Arliss Winship A Caribbean coral reef. Credit: NOAA. It's not every day that an ecological modeler gets ...
Marine Spatial Ecology

NCCOS in the Caribbean: Will Sautter Field Blog

Just Another Day of Field Work Our new office, The CrewZen II, captained by Kevin McCartney. Credit: NOAA Daybreak over the Caribbean Sea. It's at the peak of hurricane season ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Is Guam a regional source, destination, or stepping-stone for larvae of three fisheries species?

The pelagic larval duration (PLD) period of fish can influence dispersal, recruitment, and population connectivity, thereby potentially informing best strategies for fisheries management. Computer models were used to simulate the dispersal of larvae of three species, representing a range of ...

Mapping bottom-contact fishing intensity in the Gulf of Mexico in relation to predicted suitable habitat for deep sea corals

NCCOS has recently completed predictive habitat suitability models for 21 species and groups of deep corals in the Gulf of Mexico, including framework-forming deep corals. These models are being used to advise the Gulf of Mexico FMC on possible deep ...

Modeling At-Sea Density of Marine Birds to Support Atlantic Marine Renewable Energy Planning: Final Report

Marine birds have the potential to be affected by human activities in the ocean environment such as offshore wind energy development. This report describes a project that developed maps of the spatial distributions of marine bird species in U.S. Atlantic ...

Modeling at-sea occurrence and abundance of marine birds to support Atlantic marine renewable energy planning: Phase I report

This report describes the first phase of a project aimed at producing maps of the spatial distributions of marine bird species in U.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) waters that can be used to inform marine spatial planning in the ...

Modeling Seabird Distributions off the Pacific Coast of Washington

This report presents seasonal distribution maps of selected seabird species off the Pacific coast of Washington. Maps were created to support state-led marine spatial planning by identifying ecologically important areas for seabirds. Seabird distribution maps were constructed by predicting relative ...

NCCOS Assessment: Modeling At-Sea Density of Marine Birds to Support Atlantic Marine Renewable Energy Planning (NCEI Accession 0176682)

This dataset provides seasonal spatial rasters of median predicted long-term (1978-2016) relative density of 47 marine bird species throughout the US Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and adjacent waters at a 2-km spatial resolution. Three indications of the uncertainty associated ...

Predictive mapping of seabirds, pinnipeds and cetaceans off the Pacific Coast of Washington

This report presents long-term seasonal distribution maps of selected seabird, pinniped and cetacean species off the Pacific coast of Washington. The maps were created to support state-led marine spatial planning and responsible stewardship of natural resources by the Olympic Coast ...

Predictive mapping of seabirds, pinnipeds and cetaceans off the Pacific Coast of Washington from 1995-07-21 to 2015-12-08 (NCEI Accession 0148762)

This data collection comprises seasonal distribution maps and model outputs of selected seabird, pinniped and cetacean species off the Pacific coast of Washington. The maps were developed by predicting relative density using associative models linking at-sea species observations with environmental ...

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