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A Geospatial Assessment of U.S. Atlantic and Gulf ...

Offshore sand resources, e.g., sand shoals, are increasingly being used for beach renourishment, barrier island restoration, and other uses to enhance resiliency of shorelines. However, the impact of sand dredging ...

Assessing the Ecological Function of Shipwrecks, A...

Increased calls for enhancing ocean habitats through artificial reefs and proposals for increasing offshore energy development require science to understand the impact and habitat value of these artificial structures on ...

Assessment of Dredged Material Created Habitat in ...

Summary: We characterized the habitat formed by dredge material disposed in sites designated by the EPA offshore of Fernandina Beach, FL using SCUBA assessments, multibeam mapping, and hydroacoustic sampling of ...

Developing Spatial Products for the Kachemak Bay H...

We are developing a web-based, mapping application that will provide the public access to geospatial products for the shoreline, intertidal, and subtidal areas of Kachemak Bay, Alaska. The application will ...

Extending Seafloor Mapping Products to Include Hab...

We are providing improved seafloor mapping data products for regions of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary deeper than 20 meters. Along with the mapping products, we will create an ...

Location and Status of Reef Fish Spawning Aggregat...

We are identifying and surveying historical and recently reported reef fish spawning aggregations in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Spawning aggregations are critical to sustaining fish population and healthy ...

Mapping and Biological Assessments in Potential Wi...

We are conducting seafloor mapping and biological assessments in a potential site for wind energy development offshore southeast North Carolina. The maps and data will allow the Bureau of Ocean ...

Mapping Fish Habitat to Determine Coral Reef Ecosy...

We are integrating sonar information on fish with seafloor mapping sonars to produce maps of the coral reef and reef fish habitat use in U.S. Caribbean territories. Why We Care ...

Mapping the Benthic Habitat Resources of Kachemak ...

There are no subtidal benthic habitat maps of Kachemak Bay, Alaska, to support essential fish habitat and place-based management needs. In response, we are developing benthic habitat maps for the ...

Prioritizing Areas for Future Seafloor Mapping, Re...

We developed a geospatial framework and online application to identify priorities for seafloor mapping along the U.S. Southeast Atlantic Coast (NC, SC, and GA). This project enables federal resource agencies ...


Successful Preliminary UAS Flights Collect Dolphin...

"Snotbot" drone flying close to the blow of a bottlenose dolphin. Collecting samples from the blow, or exhalations, of large whales using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), i.e. drones, is nothing ...

Valor in the Atlantic 2022: Diving into North Caro...

The bow of LV-71 Diamond Shoals Light Ship. Credit: Tane Casserley, NOAA. NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), North Carolina’s Office of State ...

Climate Change Alters Timing of Fish Larvae Enteri...

A new study led by researchers at East Carolina University and NCCOS documents changes in the timing and duration of fish larvae entering North Carolina estuaries. The study used a ...

Study Demonstrates Benefits of Joint Archeological...

Figure 1. Location of shipwrecks U‐576 and SS Bluefields on North Carolina's continental shelf. Insert in lower right shows multibeam bathymetry of the two shipwrecks, where warmer colors indicate shallower ...

Drone Workshop Grows Partnerships in U.S. Southeas...

Last month's Drones in the Coastal Zone virtual workshop kick-started efforts to establish a regional network and community of expertise in the Southeast United States and the U.S. Caribbean. The ...

Seafloor Mapping Mission Supports Better Character...

A goliath grouper over four feet in length inspects the ROV while dozens of other large grouper and massive schools of small fish swarm a steep ledge in Tortugas South ...

Explore North Carolina’s Shipwrecks, Marine Life V...

UPDATE: February 24, 2021 The Living Shipwrecks 3D Website has been accepted to the 2021 Esri Federal GIS Conference Map Gallery. Voting for the People’s Choice Award is open now ...

NOAA Study Finds Artificial Reefs Enhance Fish Com...

Structures, such as vessels, concrete pipes, and bridge pieces, are intentionally placed on the seafloor as artificial reefs. These artificial reefs can be effective tools for enhancing fish communities, but ...

NOAA, BOEM Develop New Tool to Reduce Dredging Imp...

As part of a recently completed two-year study funded by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), NOAA's Office for Coastal Management ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

An Integrated Assessment of Oil and Gas Release into the Marine Environment at the Former Taylor Energy MC20 Site

In September of 2004 hurricane Ivan, a category 3 storm at the time, passed through the northern Gulf of Mexico. Severe wave action attributed to the storm triggered a subsea mudslide that toppled Taylor Energy Company’s (TEC) oil Saratoga production ...

Assessment of dredged material created habitat in the South Atlantic Bight - Fernandina Beach Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS)

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) collaborated with EPA Region 4 Water Protection Division of Coastal and Marine Resources and Wetland Enforcement Section to assess Ocean Dredge Material Dump Sites (ODMDS) as essential fish habitat off the coast ...

Benthic habitat mapping and assessment in the Wilmington-East Wind Energy Call Area: final report

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is responsible for oversight and management of the development of energy resources on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). In 2012, BOEM identified three Wind Energy Call Areas and later defined Wind Energy Areas ...

Benthic Habitat Maps for the Insular Shelf South of St. Thomas and St. John

The insular shelf south of St. Thomas and St. John, in the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) is an expansive geomorphologic feature with extensive mesophotic coral reefs occurring at 30 to 150 meter depths. These mesophotic reefs are part of a ...

Caribbean Fishery Acoustic Assessment: Fish density data collection from NOAA Ship Nancy Foster, from 2008-03-26 to 2014-05-31 (NCEI Accession 0156395)

These data sets show acoustically detected fish densities throughout the Caribbean ocean. NOAA/NCCOS collected these data sets to help characterize broad-scale fish abundance, biomass, and understand temporal behavior. Acoustic data was collected aboard NOAA Ship Nancy Foster using 120-7C splitbeam ...

Drones in the Coastal Zone: Report of a Regional Workshop for the US Southeast and Caribbean

This report summarizes outcomes from a series of virtual workshops for researchers and managers in the southeast US and US Caribbean entitled Drones in the Coastal Zone ...

Fish density of El Seco, Puerto Rico from 2009-03-31 to 2009-04-02, Project NF-09-01-USVI, 2009, WGS84 (NCEI Accession 0137091)

This data contains densities of fishes detected using mobile fisheries sonar on board NOAA Ship Nancy Foster. The data were acquired in concert with a multibeam bathymetry survey off the coast of Vieques Island, Puerto Rico in 2009. Fish densities ...

NCCOS Assessment: Benthic Habitat Map for the Insular Shelf South of St. Thomas and St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands (NCEI Accession 0170098)

The dataset describes the spatial distribution of benthic habitats on the insular shelf south of St. Thomas and St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. These benthic habitats include: (1) Coral Reef Colonized with Live Coral, (2) Pavement Colonized with Live Coral, ...

NCCOS Mapping: Seafloor Mapping Products for the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary from 2004-01-01 to 2016-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0170215)

This dataset is an inventory of seafloor mapping data from hydrographic multibeam sonar surveys and georeferenced benthic photographs and video clips, all collected in and around the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). The multibeam data sets contain both bathymetric ...

Regional Essential Fish Habitat Geospatial Assessment and Framework for Offshore Sand Features

The demand for marine sand resources is increasing in the United States, as coastal and offshore sands are commonly used for beach renourishment and barrier island restoration. The dredging of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), and sand shoals in particular, ...

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