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Assessment of Hydrocarbon Carryover Potential for ...

The logistics of sample collection in the field can be very challenging. NOAA’s Office of Response and Restoration requested assistance in determining the potential for oil-based pollution carryover between sampling ...

Measuring and Modeling the Photo-oxidation of Floa...

Upon release into the environment, oil is subject to a variety of weathering processes, including volatilization, biodegradation, dissolution, and photo-oxidation. Prior to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, photo-oxidation was thought ...


Scientists Document Effect of Crude Oil on a Pacif...

Pocillopora damicornis tissue regeneration images following exposure to increasing concentrations of crude oil. Arrows indicate tissue loss at the highest oil concentrations. Credit: May et al., 2020. NCCOS scientists and ...


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Data & Publications

An Assessment of Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Chesapeake Bay, MD and Charleston Harbor, SC

NOAA’s National Status and Trends (NS&T) Mussel Watch Program conducted regional pilot studies to assess the magnitude and distribution of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) in shellfish and sediment from different coastal zones. In 2015, oyster and surficial sediment samples ...

Assessment of Hydrocarbon Carryover Potential for Six Field Cleaning Protocols

Sample collection in the field faces many challenges including, but not limited to, the equipment and materials that can be brought safely into the field. Field teams will often reuse sample collection gear by cleaning it between sampling sites to ...

Assessment of the efficacy of six field cleaning protocols for hydrocarbon quantification

The defensibility of field sampling data collected in support of natural resource damage assessments and other environmental investigations depends on rigorous quality assurance and control both in the field and laboratory. One important step in field procedures is the cleaning ...

Efficacy and Ecotoxicological Effects of Shoreline Cleaners in Salt Marsh Ecosystems

Salt marsh ecosystems are sensitive habitats that may be susceptible to oil and oil spill mitigation chemicals during clean up. This research project assessed the toxicity of three shoreline cleaners (SLC) in laboratory and mesocosm exposures, determined petroleum hydrocarbon distributions ...

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