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Effects and Discovery of Chronic Domoic Acid Expos...

Domoic acid, a naturally occurring marine neurotoxin, threatens the health of marine mammals, seabirds, and humans via severe and long-term yet low-level exposure through the food web. Researchers discovered a ...

Trophic Transfer and Effects of HAB Toxins in Alas...

This project aims to determine harmful algal bloom species composition and cell densities in Alaskan waters, and to model toxin transfer pathways to zooplankton, shellfish, finfish, and marine mammals, and ...


New Publication Reports Prevalence of Shellfish To...

Spring in the Bering Strait; several miles offshore, south of the community of Wales, Alaska. Credit: Gay Sheffield, University of Alaska Fairbanks/Alaska Sea Grant. The NCCOS Ecology & Oceanography of ...

Algal Toxins Found in U.S. Seabirds

A publication sponsored in part by NCCOS presents a retrospective analysis of harmful algal bloom (HAB) related mortality events in California, Washington and Rhode Island between 2007 and 2018 involving ...

Ice Seals as Sentinels for Algal Toxins in the Pac...

An NCCOS-supported study detected the algal toxins domoic acid and saxitoxin in three out of four species of ice seals in western and northern Alaska. The finding suggests that ice ...

Report on U.S. Marine HABs: History, Current Statu...

NCCOS recently supported a review of the status of marine HAB problems in the U.S., part of a global statistical analysis of harmful algal blooms (HAB) events. The study relies ...

NCCOS Supports Study that Reveals Algal Toxins in ...

NCCOS and NOAA’s Arctic Program supported research that led to an important discovery in the Bering Strait and North Slope regions of Alaska that raises concerns for Arctic wildlife health ...

Seattle researchers discover breakthrough in shell...

It was 25 years ago this month that more than a hundred people were sickened on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Three people died. Days later it was confirmed they suffered ...


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