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Developing a Resource Assessment Tool for Marine P...

We worked with NOAA’s National Marine Protected Area Center (MPA Center) to develop new approaches to characterize natural resources (e.g., deep sea corals, fish diversity, submarine canyons) in marine-protected areas ...

Habitat Digitizer Extension

The Habitat Digitizer Extension is a GIS tool that was developed to delineate features by visually interpreting georeferenced images and also to select attributes using a dialog containing a custom ...

Improving Accessibility and Preservation of NCCOS’...

We are improving how NCCOS stores, preserves, and delivers its geospatial data by formalizing connections between NCCOS and NOAA data centers, creating a new geoportal to search for data, and ...

Prioritizing Areas for Future Seafloor Mapping, Re...

We developed a spatial framework and online application to identify priorities for seafloor mapping and visual surveys along the U.S. west CONUS coast (WCC), off California, Oregon and Washington. This ...

Restoring our Nation’s Wetlands using MAPTITE: A M...

We developed an ArcGIS-extension MAPTITE tool designed to help marsh planners maximize the success rate of vegetation restoration efforts. The tool identifies suitable locations for replenishing marsh plant species based ...

Sampling Design Tool for ArcGIS

The Sampling Design Tool for ArcGIS randomly selects people, animals, objects, or places in a GIS environment to infer status or change. The tool was developed to create and implement ...

Spatial Bibliography of Deep-water Exploration and...

NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) and NCCOS partnered to create a publicly available spatial bibliography of Alaska's deep marine waters to support exploration and research in the ...

Spatial Prioritization Widget: A Tool to Identify ...

The Spatial Prioritization Widget is a tool to gather mapping priorities from stakeholders in a study area. This customizable tool can be configured to identify not only the desired locations ...


Alaska Spatial Bibliography Helps Researchers Iden...

Map of Alaska's four ocean regions, as defined in the National Strategy for Mapping, Exploring, and Characterizing the United States Exclusive Economic Zone. Credit: NOAA. NCCOS and NOAA's Office of ...

NCCOS Expertise Highlighted at Coastal GeoTools Co...

NCCOS geospatial expertise was highlighted at this year's Coastal GeoTools Conference in North Charleston, SC earlier this month. Hosted by the Association of State Floodplain Managers, coastal management data professionals ...

NCCOS Story Maps Garner the Attention of Esri Lead...

Two story maps produced by the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science highlighting how NCCOS science connects oceans, coasts, and people were featured in a recent blog post by Esri ...

ESRI Awards NCCOS Researcher with Special Achievem...

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) were honored this year withthe Special Achievement in GIS award at the2013 Esri International User Conference in San Diego. This award acknowledges ...

2012 Esri International User Conference Highlights...

The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science was one of only three NOAA offices invited to host an exhibit at the 2012 Esri International User Conference Exhibition Hall and speak ...

Contributors to National Assessment of Fish Habita...

David Moe Nelson and Ken Buja were part of an interagency NFHAP (National Fish Habitat Assessment Program) team (Michigan State University and NOAA) that recently completed a study published by ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

The Habitat Digitizer Extension is a GIS tool that was developed to delineate features by visually interpreting georeferenced images and also to select attributes using a dialog containing a custom hierarchical classification scheme. This GIS tool can be used to develop habitat map products for resource analysis and management.
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The Sampling Design Tool for ArcGIS randomly selects people, animals, objects, or places in a GIS environment to infer status or change. The tool was developed to create and implement a sampling design based on randomized sampling and test different sampling designs to see which is most precise and least costly.
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The Spatial Prioritization Widget is a tool to gather mapping priorities from stakeholders in a study area. This customizable tool can be configured to identify not only the desired locations and the temporal priorities of the respondents, but also their rationales to justify these decisions or the type of mapping products they need. The data can be further analyzed to identify of patterns high priority mapping hotspots.
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BIOMappers let you interactively view data, aerial imagery, dive photography, underwater video and related publications developed for the benthic habitat mapping of many U.S. coral reefs. In addition to viewing benthic habitat data, you can examine the attributes of the data and show different thematic representations. Photos and videos taken during dive missions are linked to the location of the dives.
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This digital atlas, supporting the proposed Wisconsin – Lake Michigan National Marine Sanctuary, shows the location of cultural resources, environmental research and monitoring, and human activities. It allows managers, stakeholders, and the general public to see the location of important lake resources and how these resources are distributed relative to one another. The atlas was created to identify data gaps, help prioritize future lakebed surveys, and support a better understanding of the Lake Michigan ecosystem.
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Data & Publications

Assessment of Existing Information on Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitats: Development of a web-based spatial bibliography, query tools, and data summaries

The primary objective of this project, "the Assessment of Existing Information on Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat", is to inform conservation planning for the Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP). ACFHP is recognized as a Partnership by the National Fish Habitat ...

NOAA NCCOS Assessment: Prioritizing Areas for Future Seafloor Mapping, Research, and Exploration Offshore of California, Oregon, and Washington from 2019-03-01 to 2019-04-01

Spatial information about the seafloor is critical for decision-making by marine resource science, management and tribal organizations. Coordinating data needs can help organizations leverage collective resources to meet shared goals. To help enable this coordination, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric ...

Priorities for Lakebed Mapping in the Proposed Wisconsin-Lake Michigan National Marine Sanctuary

The Wisconsin-Lake Michigan National Marine Sanctuary has been proposed along the western shore of Lake Michigan between the cities of Two-Rivers and Port Washington, Wisconsin. Much of the proposed sanctuary and rest of Lake Michigan were mapped prior to 1950 and therefore ...

Prioritizing Areas for Future Seafloor Mapping, Research, and Exploration Offshore of California, Oregon, and Washington

Spatial information about the seafloor is critical for decision-making by marine science, management and tribal organizations. While this type of information is important, its collection is expensive, time consuming and logistically intensive. Developing a network of partners and coordinating data ...

Where, what, when, and why is bottom mapping needed? An on-line application to set priorities using expert opinion

Globally there is a lack of resources to survey the vast seafloor areas in need of basic mapping data. Consequently, smaller areas must be prioritized to address the most urgent needs. We developed a systematic, quantitative approach and on-line application ...

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