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Benthic Habitat Characterization and Climate Chang...

Cordell Bank, Greater Farallones and Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuaries harbor diverse communities of deep-water fish, corals and sponges. Corals and sponges associated with groundfish habitat face many threats, including ...

Defining Future Seafloor Mapping Priorities to Inf...

NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) uses benthic mapping data to develop information on the condition of coral reef ecosystems to help inform science-based management decisions. They have identified a ...

Developing and Scaling Up Emerging Image-based Tec...

Mission: Iconic Reefs in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) is the largest coral restoration project in the U.S. to date. Evaluation of the success of large-scale, long-term restoration ...

Estimating Economic Losses and Impacts of Florida ...

This project, funded by NCCOS through the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System, will examine the economic impacts of Karenia brevis events across 80 different economic sectors, based on ...

Integration of Alternative Methods of Analysis wit...

We are seeking Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference approval for a quick test to replace the mouse bioassay in some regulatory instances as the method for monitoring brevetoxins in shellfish. These ...

Marine Bird Spatial Distributions on the Pacific O...

Currently, there is a gap in useable information regarding marine bird distributions on the U.S. Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). We are synthesizing available high-quality, at-sea data to produce high-resolution, ...

Prioritizing Areas for Future Seafloor Mapping, Re...

NCCOS developed a spatial framework to identify common research priorities across partner organizations which has been successfully implemented on the U.S. West Coast, Florida, and Lake Michigan. NCCOS applied this ...

Prioritizing Areas for Future Seafloor Mapping, Re...

We developed a spatial framework and online application to identify priorities for seafloor mapping and visual surveys along the U.S. west CONUS coast (WCC), off California, Oregon and Washington. This ...

Transitioning to Operations NOAA Supported Statist...

The Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act (HABHRCA) mandates the development of scientific tools for natural resource managers to address hypoxia in coastal ecosystems. In response, NCCOS ...


NCCOS, RETI Center Create Citizen Science Opportun...

RETI Center’s Blue City barge in Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. Credit: RETI Center NCCOS’s Phytoplankton Monitoring Network and the Resilience, Education, Training, and Innovation (RETI) Center have partnered to provide ...

Communicating and Understanding Ecosystem Services...

NCCOS-funded researchers from six institutions report on insights and lessons learned from stakeholder engagement. The engagement was conducted during a multi-year transdisciplinary project focused on quantifying and communicating the benefits ...

Toxic Cyanobacteria Span Coastal Watersheds from R...

Example of the California land-sea interface: Upland reservoir âžť river âžť estuary âžť Pacific Ocean. Credit M. Howard, SCCWRP Research sponsored by NCCOS finds harmful cyanobacteria (aka blue-green algae) and ...

NCCOS Helps Shellfish Growers Stay Informed on HAB...

The Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe Oyster Farm in Sequim, Washington. Credit: NOAA. NCCOS organized a special session for the 71st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association that addressed ...

California Mapping Initiative Identifies Priority ...

Bathymetric and seafloor information is critical for decision-making in a number of marine management fields, including navigational safety, fisheries, renewable energy, oil and gas extraction, and ecological conservation. Prior to ...

NCCOS Supported HAB Sensors Highlighted at NOAA Em...

NCCOS efforts to provide early warnings as well as effective monitoring and forecasting of harmful algal blooms through the use of the ImagingFlow Cytobot (microscope-in-a-can) and the Environmental Sample Processor ...

NOAA Supports Development of Offshore Aquaculture ...

California state and federal managers are using NOAA information and tools to develop environmentally sustainable offshore finfish aquaculture in the Southern California Bight - an industry with the potential to ...

NCCOS Sponsors Harmful Algal Bloom Workshops for U...

New York's borders encompass fresh, estuarine, and salt waters, each plagued by harmful algal bloom (HAB) outbreaks that pose risks to human health and the economic vitality of coastal communities ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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General Pages

About PMN

Meet the Team Our Goals More About the Project Jennifer Maucher, Steve Morton, Elisabeth LabanMonitor & MaintainMonitor and maintain an extended survey area along coastal waters throughout the yearList of ...

Forecasting and Modeling

Ecological forecasting and modeling are used to predict changes in the environment and the resulting impacts to ecosystems, people, economies, and communities. Forecasting and modeling capabilities allow NOAA to help ...

Spatial Planning

Coastal and marine planning plays an important role in sustainable coastal and ocean development. Spatial planning supports diverse and stable working waterfronts in the face of environmental change and economic ...

Targeted Efforts to Support Nutrient Management

NCCOS supports observations and monitoring for variables that are important to modeling hypoxia in time and space. These models are then used to inform key organizations working to reduce the ...

NOAA Internship Opportunities

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