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Causes and Consequences of Cell Death in the Toxic...

Numerous studies have increased understanding of processes that lead to algal bloom initiation, growth, and transport but little is known about the causes of bloom decline and termination. Preliminary results ...

Complex Interactions Between Harmful Phytoplankton...

We identified how nutrients and exotic zebra mussels interact to promote harmful algal blooms (HABs) in the Great Lakes. Results show the relationship between nutrient loading, herbivore grazing, and HABs ...

Cross-Regional Comparison of Dinophysis Bloom Dyna...

Harmful algal blooms of Dinophysis have recently emerged as a human health threat in the U.S., resulting in closures of shellfish harvesting to prevent Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning. We are working ...

Deposition and Resuspension of Alexandrium fundyen...

Toxins from annual blooms of Alexandrium fundyense accumulate in shellfish; shellfish harvesting closures protect human health, but are economically disruptive. Seed-like cysts produced by A. fundyense accumulate in bottom sediments ...

Development of a Coupled Hydrodynamic-Biogeochemic...

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the Chesapeake Bay, which threaten human and ecosystem health, are more frequent and severe than decades ago. We are developing a new model that incorporates ...

ECOHAB: GOMTOX: Dynamics of Alexandrium fundyense ...

Extensive shellfish resources in the Gulf of Maine are frequently contaminated with toxins produced by the red tide dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense. Shellfish harvesting must be closed to protect public health ...

Ecophysiology and Toxicity of the Toxic Alga Heter...

We are identifying toxins and environmental factors causing fish-killing blooms by the alga Heterosigma akashiwo in Puget Sound. We develop tools to improve monitoring, early warning, and mitigation to prevent ...

Effects and Discovery of Chronic Domoic Acid Expos...

Domoic acid, a naturally occurring marine neurotoxin, threatens the health of marine mammals, seabirds, and humans via severe and long-term yet low-level exposure through the food web. Researchers discovered a ...

Expanding ISSC Validated Options for Monitoring Di...

In the U.S., the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference (ISSC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) establish methods of toxin analysis to regulate shellfish, and the National Shellfish Sanitation Program ...

Implementation of an Operational Model for Predict...

Earlier NOAA-funded research developed models to predict blooms of toxic Alexandrium fundyense. Toxins accumulate in shellfish, causing illness in human consumers, so states must monitor shellfish and ban harvesting when ...


Study Confirms Red Tide’s Self-sustaining Seasonal...

An NCCOS-sponsored study has validated a 40-year old theory that the Chesapeake Bay bloom-forming harmful alga Prorocentrum minimum has a seasonal life strategy that depends on physical transport by estuarine ...

Phytoplankton on Louisiana Shelf Show Seasonal Com...

NCCOS sponsored researchers analyzed common phytoplankton taxa and accompanying environmental data for 672 surface water samples collected from 95 stations located on the Louisiana/Texas shelf (Gulf of Mexico) between 1990 ...

NCCOS and IOOS Contribute to Successful Kickoff of...

On September 1, 2021 NCCOS, the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOSⓇ) Office, and the IOOS Association organized the inaugural meeting of a newly formed Harmful Algal Bloom Observing Group ...

Harmful Algal Bloom Symposium Highlights Early Car...

Credit: 10.5 U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae Planning Committee. The 10.5 U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae held at the end of May showcased the work of students, postdoctoral, and early ...

Understanding HABs Under Climate Change Requires N...

A new book compiles the current evidence on climate change and toxin producing harmful algal species in aquatic systems. A book chapter, sponsored in part by NCCOS, describes some of ...

Public Reporting Tool Helps Long Island’s Suffolk ...

Brown tides and other harmful algal blooms (HABs) are becoming a recurrent seasonal issue in the coastal waters of New York’s Suffolk County. A NCCOS brown tide research project provided ...

Urea-based Fertilizer Promotes Blue-Green Algal Bl...

Figure 1. The MERHAB Autonomous Research Vessel In-situ (MARVIN) deployed in Sarasota Bay in 2009. Credit FWC. A recent NCCOS-supported study observed that urea inputs into Sarasota Bay, FL influenced ...

National Harmful Algal Bloom Observing Network Fra...

The National Harmful Algal Bloom Observing Network (NHABON) Framework offers a high-level regional analysis of existing efforts to monitor and forecast harmful algal blooms (HABs) and identifies gaps in observing ...

Reviews of Our Current Understanding of Harmful Di...

In a recently released book on dinoflagellates, three chapters update knowledge of and changing views for the red tide alga Karenia brevis and the estuarine Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates Pfiesteria piscicida and ...

HAB Toxin of Unknown Origin Linked to a Dinoflagel...

Dinophysis norvegica. Credit WHOI. The biological source of Dihydrodinopyhysistoxin-1 (aka dihydro-DTX1), a toxin that causes diarrhetic shellfish poisoning and once described from a marine sponge, is of yet unknown. In ...


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Data & Publications

A changing nutrient regime in the Gulf of Maine

Recent oceanographic observations and a retrospective analysis of nutrients and hydrography over the past five decades have revealed that the principal source of nutrients to the Gulf of Maine, the deep, nutrient-rich continental slope waters that enter at depth through ...

A high-resolution pre-operational forecast model of circulation on the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf and slope

A new pre-operational model of circulation over the Texas-Louisiana continental shelf and slope, based on the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) is presented. The model is designed with a number of practical applications in mind: to predict oil spill trajectories, ...

A Novel Antibody-Based Biomarker for Chronic Algal Toxin Exposure and Sub-Acute Neurotoxicity

The neurotoxic amino acid, domoic acid (DA), is naturally produced by marine phytoplankton and presents a significant threat to the health of marine mammals, seabirds and humans via transfer of the toxin through the foodweb. In humans, acute exposure causes ...

A quantitative real-time PCR assay for the identification and enumeration of Alexandrium cysts in marine sediments

Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are a global problem that affects both human and ecosystem health. One of the most serious and widespread HAB poisoning syndromes is paralytic shellfish poisoning, commonly caused by Alexandrium spp. dinoflagellates. Like many toxic dinoflagellates, Alexandrium ...

Analyses of the complete chloroplast genome sequences of two members of the Pelagophyceae: Aureococcus anophagefferens CCMP1984 and Aureoumbra lagunensis CCMP1507

Heterokont members of the Pelagophyceae form the massive brown tides that have continually plagued the coastal regions of the eastern U.S. seaboard and the Gulf of Mexico. To gain a better understanding of the photosynthetic competence that may be linked ...

Asynchronous vertical migration and bimodal distribution of motile phytoplankton

Some motile phytoplankton have the capability to exploit deep sources of nutrients in a vertical migration cycle: photosynthesis in the near-surface layer, transit to depth, uptake of the limiting nutrient and transit back to the surface layer. If all four ...

Bloom dynamics of the red tide dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense in the Gulf of Maine: a synthesis and progress towards a forecasting capability

Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) is a recurrent and widespread problem in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) caused by the dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense. Blooms of this species have been the subject of more than a decade of investigation through the ECOHAB-GOM ...

Causality of an extreme harmful algal bloom in Monterey Bay, California, during the 2014-2016 northeast Pacific warm anomaly

An ecologically and economically disruptive harmful algal bloom (HAB) affected much of the northeast Pacific margin in 2015, during a prolonged oceanic warm anomaly. Caused by diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, this HAB produced the highest particulate concentrations of the ...

Chronic Low-Level Domoic Acid Exposure Alters Gene Transcription and Impairs Mitochondrial Function in the CNS

Domoic acid is an algal-derived seafood toxin that functions as a glutamate agonist and exerts excitotoxicity via overstimulation of glutamate receptors (AMPA, NMDA) in the central nervous system (CNS). At high (symptomatic) doses, domoic acid is well-known to cause seizures, ...

Coordinated sampling of dynamic oceanographic features with underwater vehicles and drifters

We extend existing oceanographic sampling methodologies to sample an advecting feature of interest using autonomous robotic platforms. GPS-tracked Lagrangian drifters are used to tag and track a water patch of interest with position updates provided periodically to an autonomous underwater ...

General Pages


Toxic Karenia brevis stains the water off South Padre Island, Texas, a rusty red. We fundresearch to understand the biology of harmful algae species and how they interact with their ...

NOAA Internship Opportunities

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