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Assessing the Geographic Variability in Vulnerabil...

Coastal communities are increasingly vulnerable to climate effects, such as sea level rise and coastal erosion. To address these and other changing coastal risks in Los Angeles County, NCCOS researchers ...

Evaluating Socioeconomic Indicators of Coastal Com...

Waterway in Cocodrie, Louisiana, a fishing, shrimping, and crabbing community in Terrebonne Parish. Credit: Seann Regan, NOAA. The project team will analyze socioeconomic data in and around working waterfronts in ...

Integration of Social Science with Probabilistic S...

Washington Sea Grant assessed sea level rise exposure for coastal areas of Puget Sound by developing a parcel-level sea level rise vulnerability assessment. NCCOS supported this work through expert guidance ...

Programmatic Execution of NCCOS Community Vulnerab...

Coastal populations experience flooding, storms, and erosion, and climate change is exacerbating these and other natural hazards. Impacts from these events are felt differently across the nation due to both ...

Science in Support of Adaptation Planning for Clim...

The Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States, provides people with valuable ecosystem services. Impacts from climate change, including sea level rise and changes in precipitation, can threaten ...

Using Anonymous Cell Phone Data to Characterize Vi...

Taskinas Creek, a small tributary of the York River (Virginia). Credit: NOAA. Understanding who visits coastal and marine areas and why is crucial for natural resource managers. However, this information ...


NOAA, Washington Sea Grant Assess Sea Level Rise V...

Camano Island flooding from December 2022 king tide. Credit: Washington State Department of Ecology Assessing and ranking the vulnerability of coastal habitats and infrastructure to sea level rise can provide ...

Indicators for Tracking Impact of Offshore Aquacul...

Figure 1. Socioeconomic indicators for tracking the impact of Aquaculture Opportunity Areas in the Gulf of Mexico Effective and equitable planning for implementing Aquaculture Opportunity Areas (AOAs) will require consideration ...

Vulnerability Assessment Research Published in Nat...

Hurricane Irma damage. Credit: Paul Brennan, Pixabay. NCCOS's recent article on its community vulnerability assessment framework, published in Natural Hazards, is also featured on PreventionWeb — a global, knowledge-sharing platform ...

NCCOS Publishes Social Vulnerability Assessment in...

Coastal communities are increasingly vulnerable to climate-driven impacts, such as sea level rise and coastal erosion. To address these risks in the Puget Sound region of Washington, Washington Sea Grant ...

Scientists Use Land Use, Demographics Data to Mode...

The NOAA National Status and Trends Program (NST) monitors and characterizes the nation’s coastal waters at risk of contamination by anthropogenic inputs. NCCOS social scientists further characterize and model relationships ...

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Los An...

King tide at Malibu Surfrider Beach. Credit: California King Tides Project. Coastal communities are increasingly vulnerable to climate effects, such as sea level rise and coastal erosion. In an effort ...

NOS Science Seminar Highlights NCCOS Social Scienc...

This week's National Ocean Service Science Seminar features "An Overview of Social Science Research within the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science" on Thursday, May 5 from 12–1 pm ET ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

A coastal community vulnerability assessment for the Choptank Habitat Focus Area

This report presents a framework and provides findings from a community vulnerability assessment analysis conducted in the Choptank Habitat Focus Area (HFA) within the Chesapeake Bay. Due to the strong connectivity between Chesapeake Bay communities and their environment, the risks ...

Effective, Science‐Based Fishery Management is Good for Gulf of Mexico's "Bottom Line" - but Evolving Challenges Remain

The northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is an ecologically and economically productive system that supports some of the largest volume and most valuable fisheries in the United States. The benefit of these fisheries to society and to the surrounding Gulf ...

General Pages


NCCOS Aquaculture provides high quality science, guidance, and technical support to coastal managers to grow sustainable aquaculture while maintaining and improving ecosystem health.We work with local, state, and federal agencies ...

Competitive Research Program

The NCCOS Competitive Research Program (CRP) funds regional-scale research through a competitive, peer-reviewed process to address our nation’s most pressing ocean and coastal issues. CRP is the extramural branch of ...

Social Science

NCCOS's social science portfolio is focused on the connections between people and the environment. NCCOS expertise in sociology, economics, and geography is integrated with our coastal ecosystem science to create ...

NOAA Internship Opportunities

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NCCOS delivers ecosystem science solutions for stewardship of the nation’s ocean and coastal resources to sustain thriving coastal communities and economies.

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