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Robotic, Underwater Sensor for Harmful Algal Bloom...

We developed a device to provide resource managers and public-health officials with valuable, real-time data on harmful algal bloom (HAB) toxicity. This robotic, underwater sensor provides fast and accurate measurements ...

Sharing Simple and Fast Algal Toxin Detection Test...

Toxins produced by harmful algae accumulate in shellfish, causing human illness and marine animal mortalities. We have developed a rapid, cost-effective test that measures algal toxins in shellfish to protect ...


Environmental Sample Processor Enhances Ocean Sens...

In a study published recently in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, NCCOS and Northwest Fisheries Science Center researchers, along with partners at the University of Washington (UW), and ...

NCCOS-developed Algal Toxin Sensor Deployed in New...

Working with colleagues at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), NCCOS scientists have calibrated and deployed NCCOS-developed domoic acid (DA) sensors on two Environmental Sample Processors (ESPs) in New England ...

Toxin Sensor off Washington Coast Provides Early W...

Last week, NOAA and their partners deployed an NCCOS-developed sensor for the algal neurotoxin domoic acid on an Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) off the Washington coast. The processor, known as ...

NCCOS Provides HAB Technology Guidance to African ...

Training participants receive IAEA certificates for HAB sampling and toxin analysisat the Kenya Marine Fisheries and Research Institute in Mombasa, Kenya. Credit: NOAA NCCOS researcher instructs IAEA course participants on ...

NCCOS, Partners Prepare Harmful Algal Bloom Sensor...

NCCOS scientists and their partners have completed technical preparations for the first deployment of an Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in the Great Lakes. The ESP - already in use on ...

Real-time HAB and Toxin Sensors Deployed in Pacifi...

An environmental sample processor (ESP) was deployed on May 23 to monitor for harmful algal blooms (HABs) and their toxins off the coast of La Push, Washington in the Olympic ...

NCCOS Prepares Toxin Sensor for Deployment in Puge...

NCCOS scientist, Tina Mikulski,completed critical calibration of the domoic acid (DA) toxin sensor on an Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) platform located at NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NWFSC) in Seattle, ...

NCCOS Prepares Toxin Sensor for Gulf of Maine Red ...

An NCCOS technical expert completed critical calibrations of the paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin sensor for an Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) platform stationed at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution's Laboratory ...

NCCOS Shares Toxin Detection Technology with Centr...

Regulatory scientists from Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama and Venezuela completed two weeks of formal training for toxin detection using methodologies developed by NCCOS ...

NCCOS Staff Shines at Annual NOS Awards Ceremony

The 2014 NOS Employee Recognition and Awards Ceremony honored ten NCCOS staff membersfor outstanding accomplishments, contributions, and coordination efforts within NOS and NOAA. NCCOS staff memberscomprised about 14 percent of ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Causality of an extreme harmful algal bloom in Monterey Bay, California, during the 2014-2016 northeast Pacific warm anomaly

An ecologically and economically disruptive harmful algal bloom (HAB) affected much of the northeast Pacific margin in 2015, during a prolonged oceanic warm anomaly. Caused by diatoms of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia, this HAB produced the highest particulate concentrations of the ...

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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