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Helping Millersville University Students Understand Eutrophication and Consider Careers in Science

Dr. Suzanne Bricker from NOAA’s Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment recently gave a guest lecture on eutrophication at Millersville University in Millersville, Pa. The lecture – ‘Eutrophication (nutrient pollution) in U.S. Coastal Waters and Elsewhere’ – described current nutrient-related water quality conditions in U.S. estuaries and changes since the early 1990s, the factors influencing development of observed problems, and expected changes in conditions in the future. Bricker also presented an assessment of estuaries in Portugal and China, the socioeconomic impacts of eutrophication, and the use of shellfish aquaculture to complement traditional eutrophication management measures. The lecture was part of a university seminar series whose goal is to stimulate student interest in careers in science and technology by having working scientists speak to students about real-world research.

For more information, contact Suzanne.Bricker@noaa.gov.