We’re hiring Facility Operations Specialists in Seldovia, AK (1), Oxford, MD (1), and Charleston, SC (3).

NCCOS Continues to Help Pennsylvania Respond to Lake Erie Harmful Algal Bloom

Following the first reported cyanohab bloom in Presque Isle State Park in July 2013, the NCCOS Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Rapid Response Team supported the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) as they mobilized to address public concerns about toxins, recreational restrictions, and health advisories. This aid helped keep swimmers in the popular park safe, including approximately 450 entrants in an August 24 triathlon.

NCCOS continues to provide HAB expertise to inform the development of a harmful algae monitoring and response strategy by a new PADEP-led HAB task force. NCCOS has provided guidance on monitoring program design and techniques for algae and nutrient monitoring, measuring toxin concentrations, and notifying the public.

For more information, contact Marc.Suddleson@noaa.gov or John.Wickham@noaa.gov.