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NCCOS Scientists & Partners Share Coastal Science Results for Sustaining Alaska’s Food, Jobs, and Recreation

On April 17-18, scientists from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science’s (NCCOS) Kasitsna Bay Laboratory presented findings on oceanographic and plankton response to environmental changes, results from ecosystem monitoring to assess oil spill impacts and climate change, and research on how diverse glacial and non-glacial estuary habitats support resilient salmon populations at the 2013 Science Symposium of the Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership in Homer, Alaska.

The meeting focused on how the health and diversity of marine and freshwater habitats on the Kenai Peninsula in south-central Alaska are critical for the resilience of both fisheries and human communities and was steps away from NCCOS’s laboratory.

For more information, contact Kris.Holderied@noaa.gov.