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Azaspiracid: An Emerging Algal Toxin

Azaspiracids are a group of toxins first reported in the 1990s in Western European waters and are now reported to occur along both the East and West coasts of North ...

Climate Change and Acidification Impacts on Cyanob...

The Great Lakes experience recurrent toxin-producing cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cHABs). While cHAB events have been well-studied in recent years, little attention has been given to acidification in the Great ...

Coastal Pollution Data Explorer

The Coastal Pollution Data Explorer will be an interactive web-based interface where users can explore spatial and temporal trends of chemical, physical, biological, and toxicological data. Users can compare, analyze, ...

Interannual Variability of PSP Toxicity in Eastern...

The Gulf of Maine is impacted annually by Alexandrium fundyense blooms which can result in paralytic shellfish poisoning. Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) leads to significant economic impacts. The paralytic shellfish ...

Modeling and mapping marine bird distributions on ...

Seabirds and other marine birds are wide-ranging and highly mobile so mapping their at-sea distributions presents a significant challenge. The purpose of this project was to produce high-resolution predictive maps ...


Pacific Northwest Tribes Participate in NCCOS-host...

Tribal members collecting phytoplankton. Credit: NOAA. NCCOS scientists hosted a phytoplankton and toxin monitoring workshop for Tribal environmental specialists from the First Nations Health Authority, part of the WATCH Community ...

Partnering to Advance Use of Nature-Based Solution...

Photo taken photo during field site visits in the upper Bay of Fundy during a visit to a managed dyke realignment that resulted in rapid marsh colonization into a previously ...

Exploring Nature-Based Features in Cold Regions: P...

A new story map highlights the partnership between NCCOS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineering With Nature Ⓡ (EWNⓇ) Program to advance nature-based solutions in cold regions ...

New Research Raises Questions About How, Where Cya...

Cyanobacteria bloom in Maumee Bay, near Toldeo, Ohio, July 2015. Credit: Toldeo Aerial Media. New NCCOS-funded research shows that microbes in the water column may not play a primary role ...

NCCOS “HABs Grab” Takes One-Day Snapshot of Lake E...

HABs Grab 2019 research team. Credit J. Chaffin, Ohio State University. Initiated and funded in part by NCCOS, scientists in the Western Basin of Lake Erie conducted the largest coordinated ...

Underwater Robotic Sensors Deployed in Gulf of Mai...

Map showing locations of ESPs (yellow dots) and cruise survey stations (blue dots) in the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Maine. Credit: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Last week, ...

Beating the Spread: NCCOS Science Helps Managers N...

A recent  publication by NCCOS-funded scientists shows how new invasive species in the Great Lakes are easily dispersed by Lake Michigan and Lake Erie currents. Upper panels show the dispersal ...

NCCOS, Partners Improve Aquaculture Siting and Pro...

NCCOS and partners areusing computer modeling to determine the carrying capacity for shellfish aquaculture - and the related potential fornutrient removal - in South Puget Sound. The team's methodologies and ...

Ocean Acidification Concerns, Information to be Ai...

The Northeast Coastal Acidification Network (NECAN) is planning an 'Ocean and Coastal Acidification Stakeholder Workshop' for December 10, 2014 at the Darling Marine Center in Walpole, Maine. As a member ...

International Conference Explores Emerging Contami...

Last month's Fourth International EmCon Conference continued its tradition of advancing the science of emerging contaminants in the environment. NCCOS scientists presented research on how exposure of shrimp to antimicrobial ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

NCCOS Assessment: Modeling At-Sea Density of Marine Birds to Support Atlantic Marine Renewable Energy Planning (NCEI Accession 0176682)

This dataset provides seasonal spatial rasters of median predicted long-term (1978-2016) relative density of 47 marine bird species throughout the US Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and adjacent waters at a 2-km spatial resolution. Three indications of the uncertainty associated ...

General Pages

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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