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Bioeffects Program Reports: Mid/North Atlantic Reg...

The Bioeffects program is a nationwide program of environmental assessment designed to describe the current status of environmental quality in our nation's estuarine and coastal areas. Field studies examine the ...

EcoGIS: Tools for Ecosystem-based Fisheries Manage...

The EcoGIS project was launched to determine how geographic information systems (GIS) technology, marine data, and custom analysis tools could be leveraged to promote fishery management strategies based on the ...


Lonnie Gonsalves Receives 2019 U.S. Black Engineer...

NCCOS's Dr. Lonnie Gonsalves receives the 2019 BEYA Modern-Day Technology Leader Award, which recognizes efforts in strengthening the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce pipeline and a commitment to ...

NOAA Helps Plan National Study on Nutrient Trends ...

NCCOS's Dr. Rob Magnien recently represented NOAA at a planning session of the National Academy of Sciences Water Science and Technology Board. The purpose of the meeting was to plan ...

Three Alumni at NOAA Have Received Presidential Aw...

In 1996, President Bill Clinton commissioned the National Science and Technology Council to create an award celebrating emerging researchers in the fields of science and technology at the outset of ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

NCCOS runs the Phytoplankton Monitoring Network (PMN) to link volunteers who monitor for marine phytoplankton and HABs in cooperation with professional scientists. We build a more informed public while expanding the reach and resolution of HAB monitoring. Over 200 PMN volunteers sample 140+ sites in 17 states and the US Virgin Islands.
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Data & Publications

Cruise Report: Spring 2006 Survey of Ecological Conditions of the U.S. Middle Atlantic Bight, NOAA Ship Nancy Foster NF-06-06-NCCOS

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted in coastal-ocean waters of the Mid-Atlantic Bight from Nags Head, North Carolina to Cape Cod, Massachusetts and from approximately 1 nautical mile (nm) of shore seaward to the shelf ...

Cruise report: Spring 2007 survey of ecological conditions along the continental shelf off Florida from Anclote Key to West Palm Beach, NOAA ship Nancy Foster Cruise NF-07-08-NCCOS (May 15 - May 28, 2007)

This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted in coastal-ocean waters off Florida from Anclote Key to West Palm Beach and from approximately 1 nautical mile (nm) offshore seaward to the shelf break (100 m). The survey ...

Estuarine Living Marine Resources: Mid-Atlantic regional distribution and abundance (NCEI Accession 0162403)

This is the Mid-Atlantic regional component of NOAA?s Estuarine Living Marine Resources (ELMR) Project, a national database of ecologically and economically important fishes and invertebrates in the Nation's estuaries. The distribution and relative abundance are depicted in a consistent format ...

Estuarine salinity zones in US East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, and US West Coast from 1999-01-01 to 1999-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0127396)

These unprojected (geographic coordinates) 3-Zone Average Annual Salinity Digital Geographies are based on analysis of long-term salinity data for 147 estuaries of the contiguous United States. Each estuary is subdivided into three zones between the head(s) of tide, and the ...

Long-term monitoring of ecological conditions in Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary: Comparison of soft-bottom benthic assemblages and contaminant levels in sediments and biota in spring 2000 and 2005

As part of an ongoing program of benthic sampling and related assessments of sediment quality at Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) off the coast of Georgia, a survey of soft-bottom benthic habitats was conducted in spring 2005 to characterize ...

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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