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International Collaboration Investigates Ciguatoxi...

NCCOS researchers and their partners published in Harmful Algae the first assessment of toxicity differences among the many known strains and species of Gambierdiscus, the dinoflagellate responsible for Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) ...

NCCOS Living Shorelines Research Attracts Internat...

A delegation from the Ecosystem Conservation Society of Japan (ECS-J) recently visited the NCCOS laboratory in Beaufort, NC to learn about living shorelines. ECS-J is the largest conservation group in ...

NCCOS Considers Implications of Harmful Algal Bloo...

NCCOS Program Manager David Kidwell wasthe invited speaker at the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) October 2014 Annual Meeting special workshop session on novel approaches to mitigate HABs. Kidwell's ...

Working with State to Document First Occurrence of...

Light micrograph of K. mikimotoi taken from a bloom sample. Starting in late Sept. 2013, a bloom of the phytoplankton Karenia mikimotoi began, progressed, and ultimately covered most of Kachemak ...

Destructive hitchhikers: Tsunami debris hauls inva...

When a floating dock the size of a boxcar washed up on a sandy beach in Oregon, beachcombers got excited because it was the largest piece of debris from last ...

NOAA and Korea Continue Partnership to Establish H...

Two scientists from the Korean Ocean Research and Development Institute (KORDI) visited the NOAA/NOS/NCCOS Marine Biotoxins Program laboratory in Charleston, SC April 2 - 6 to develop a detection method ...

Pacific Northwest HAB Project Helps Predict Japane...

Where, how and why harmful algal blooms occur off coastal Washington and Oregon and predicting their arrival on coastal beaches is the goal of the NCCOS sponsored harmful algal bloom ...


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