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Coastal Acidification and Harmful Algal Blooms in ...

This project aims to determine how harmful algal blooms (HABs) in New York waters respond to coastal acidification, how current and future climate change conditions will affect these HABs, and ...

Cross-Regional Comparison of Dinophysis Bloom Dyna...

Harmful algal blooms of Dinophysis have recently emerged as a human health threat in the U.S., resulting in closures of shellfish harvesting to prevent Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning. We are working ...

Microcystins in Bivalves: Optimizing of Monitoring...

This project addresses an emerging concern across the US - the transfer of freshwater algal toxins into the marine environment where they can infiltrate the food web and present a ...

Multidisciplinary Approach to a Cross-Regional Pro...

Diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) has emerged as a significant and expanding seafood safety threat in coastal regions across the United States. The harmful algal species Dinophysis produces toxins known to ...

Resolving the Effects of Resource Availability, Pr...

Aureococcus anophagefferens causes brown tides that have severely impacted fisheries, seagrass beds, and aquaculture in mid-Atlantic US coastal waters for three decades. The recent sequencing of the Aureococcus genome, combined ...


New Tool Available: Vibrio Harvest Calculator for ...

A new web-based, mapping tool available to growers, farmers, and managers in Long Island Sound will allow users to see how much Vibrio bacteria growth they might encounter when harvesting ...

NCCOS Research Explores New Approaches to Decoding...

A brown tide bloom in Great South Bay, Long Island, NY .Credit: Dr. Chris Gobler, Stony Brook University. Brown tides, caused by the algal species Aureococcus anophagefferens, have been plaguing ...

NCCOS Vibrio Predictive Models (Story Map)

ESRI Story Map on Vibrio Predictive Models. Credit G. Messick, NOAA A story map has been created to describe the different Vibrio Predictive Models produced by NCCOS. These predictive models ...

Marine Shellfish Populations Estimated to be at Ri...

A new NCCOS-funded study shows that ocean acidification has the potential to harm wild populations of scallops and clams along the U.S. northeast coast. The rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide ...

NOAA, Partners Evaluate Nitrogen Removal Potential...

Processing field samples at the Greenwich Yacht Club in Greenwich, Connecticut. Project partners left to right: Dr. Julie Rose (NEFSC), Dr. Skylar Bayer (NEFSC), Dr. Suzanne Bricker (NCCOS), Dr. Alhambra ...

Scientists Characterize Seafloor for Proposed New ...

Figure 1: Map of NYWEA (black line) and the New York Bight Regional Study Area (dotted red line). Credit: NOAA. NCCOS has completed a seafloor characterization study for the Bureau ...

NCCOS Featured for Work on Oysters as a Nutrient B...

NCCOS and colleagues from theFisheries lab in Milford and the Oyster Recover Partnership were featuredin The Fish Farmer's Magazine, Aquaculture North America. While oysters are delicious and a good source ...

NCCOS Expertise Highlighted at Coastal GeoTools Co...

NCCOS geospatial expertise was highlighted at this year's Coastal GeoTools Conference in North Charleston, SC earlier this month. Hosted by the Association of State Floodplain Managers, coastal management data professionals ...

Nutrient Crediting of Oyster Aquaculture in Chesap...

Installing oyster beds in the Chesapeake Bay. Credit: NOAA. NCCOS scientist Suzanne Bricker spoke at the 2017 East Coast Commercial Fishermen's and Aquaculture Trade Expo earlier this month. Collaborating with Maryland ...

Panel Releases First Recommendations on Oyster Aqu...

This weekthe Chesapeake Bay Program and its partners approved the Oyster Best Management Practices Expert Panel's first recommendations on specific oyster aquaculture practices that remove excess nitrogen and phosphorus from ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

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Data & Publications

Environmental toxicology data collected by the National Status and Trends Program for monitoring contaminants in coastal United States marine water bodies from 01 Jan 1960 to 05 May 2010 (NODC Accession 0074376)

The National Status and Trends Program is comprised of three nationwide programs: Benthic Surveillance, Mussel Watch, and Bioeffects. These programs are in place to observe estuarine and coastal waters nationwide to describe the current status and detect changes in the ...

Estuarine Living Marine Resources: Mid-Atlantic regional distribution and abundance (NCEI Accession 0162403)

This is the Mid-Atlantic regional component of NOAA?s Estuarine Living Marine Resources (ELMR) Project, a national database of ecologically and economically important fishes and invertebrates in the Nation's estuaries. The distribution and relative abundance are depicted in a consistent format ...

Estuarine salinity zones in US East Coast, Gulf of Mexico, and US West Coast from 1999-01-01 to 1999-12-31 (NCEI Accession 0127396)

These unprojected (geographic coordinates) 3-Zone Average Annual Salinity Digital Geographies are based on analysis of long-term salinity data for 147 estuaries of the contiguous United States. Each estuary is subdivided into three zones between the head(s) of tide, and the ...

General Pages

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NOAA Internship Opportunities

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