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Towards a Predictive Understanding of Our Ecosyste...

Cyanobacteria blooms and toxin production are an urgent contemporary problem in the US and worldwide. Water quality models are important tools for managing these problems, but currently the utility of ...


New Research Raises Questions About How, Where Cya...

Cyanobacteria bloom in Maumee Bay, near Toldeo, Ohio, July 2015. Credit: Toldeo Aerial Media. New NCCOS-funded research shows that microbes in the water column may not play a primary role ...

Prestigious Toxins Conference Features NCCOS Scien...

The 2015 Mycotoxins & Phycotoxins Conference, held June 14–19, 2015 at Stonehill College (Easton, Maine) highlighted the latest research on prevention and mitigation of harmful algal blooms by a number ...

NOAA Supports Reduction in Gulf of Mexico Nutrient...

From August 12–14, seven of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife-led Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCCs) convened a workshop in Memphis, Tennessee, to improve the allocation of wildlife management actions throughout the ...

Bacteria Isolate Degrades Harmful Algal Toxins in ...

Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms ('cyanoHABs') occur worldwide — causing detrimental effects to ecosystems and local economies — and can produce toxins that pose threats to human health and limit potable ...

NOAA Awards Grant to Develop a Biofilter to Remove...

NOAA has awarded a team of scientists $182,982 for the first year of an anticipated four-year $703,777 project for research that could lead to an instrument, called a biofilter, that ...

Common Freshwater Alga Alters Fish Hormones and Ge...

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science-sponsored scientists have discovered that the common bloom-forming, freshwater harmful alga, Microcystis, produces estrogen-like substances that can alter sex hormones in fish, potentially causing feminization ...


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