Pokrzywinski is the Chief of the Harmful Algal Bloom Forecasting Branch. She oversees a group of approximately 15 Federal employees and contractors and lead research projects related to HAB control and monitoring, ranging from molecular tools to remote sensing.
Pokrzywinski received her PhD in Marine Biosciences from the University of Delaware in 2014, with a specific focus on characterizing a novel, environmentally benign, bacterial algicide for the control of harmful dinoflagellates (red tide). She also holds a BS in Biology with a focus in Aquatic Sciences and a Minor in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Prior to joining NCCOS, Pokrzywinski served an approximately 1-year detail as Acting Chief of the Aquatic Ecology and Invasive Species Branch at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). Since 2016, she also served as a Research Biologist at the ERDC leading diverse teams in the areas of HAB monitoring, detection and management; water quality monitoring and historic data analysis; and algal biomaterials development.