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Causes and Consequences of Hypoxic Events in Low-i...

We are investigating the processes that lead to hypoxia in Southern California’s lagoons, and identifying its ecological impacts. These small estuaries, which have tidal inlets that can close to the ...

Forecasting the Causes, Consequences, and Potentia...

In recent years, the central basin of Lake Erie has experienced low-oxygen conditions, despite measures taken by surrounding states and provinces to reduce nutrient inputs. We studied the factors that ...

How Will Changing Temperature and Oxygen Condition...

We are supporting the application of coastal ocean models to determine the vulnerability of important species to changing temperature and oxygen in the California Current. This will enable coastal managers ...

Hypoxia in Green Bay, Wisconsin: Biogeochemical Dy...

Hypoxia conditions have plagued the lower part of Lake Michigan’s Green Bay and the Fox River for decades. We know nutrients are contributing to the problem, and we are developing ...

Hypoxia Response to Nutrient Management in Narraga...

We are developing observational and modeling tools and analyses to help management agencies in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island assess the efficacy of nutrient management controls on hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) ...

Impacts of Hypoxia on Fish and Fisheries in the No...

To protect fisheries and support ecosystem-based resource management in the northern Gulf of Mexico, we are developing modeling tools that will evaluate and simulate how large-scale changes in forcing factors ...

LEOFS-Hypoxia: Operational Lake Erie Hypoxia Forec...

Deep waters of Lake Erie’s central basin have areas of low dissolved oxygen. Weather conditions can determine if this low oxygen (hypoxic) water will be taken up by treatment plants, ...

Mechanisms Controlling Hypoxia – Glider Applicatio...

We evaluated the use of gliders to improve Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone monitoring. The efficacy of this technology was determined and we developed a comprehensive plan that integrates glider ...

Operational Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Monitoring

The Gulf of Mexico hypoxia monitoring cruise is an annual shelf-wide survey of the Gulf's hypoxic area (i.e., “dead zone”) and the survey is the metric used by the interagency ...


Hypoxia Impacts Macrobenthic Organism Densities an...

Caption: Los Peñasquitos Lagoon, a low-inflow estuary near La Jolla, California with the estuary mouth open. Credit: Michelle Cordrey NCCOS-supported researchers compared macrobenthic organisms in two low-inflow estuaries in Southern ...

Smaller than Expected Summer 2022 ‘Dead Zone’ Meas...

(Top) Map of measured Gulf hypoxia zone, July 25 – August 1, 2022. Red area denotes 2 mg/L of oxygen or lower, the level which is considered hypoxic, at the ...

Reef-Building Coral Species Differ in Tolerance to...

NCCOS-supported researchers investigating the effects of hypoxia (low oxygen) on threatened coral species discovered that some species have surprisingly high tolerance to declining ocean oxygen levels. While investigating staghorn coral ...

Climate Change Likely to Worsen Impact of Urban Ru...

The downtown Los Angeles skyline. Credit Wikimedia Commons. An NCCOS-funded study found that nutrient-laden, urban runoff is fueling algal blooms in Southern California's coastal waters that are acidifying the water ...

Real-time Data Aids Managers in Timing Decisions o...

NCCOS-supported instruments in Los Peñasquitos Lagoon are providing real-time data to Southern California managers and regulators on key physical parameters (dissolved oxygen, salinity, and water level) enabling them to determine ...

Lake Erie Eutrophication Exacerbated by Release of...

Lake Erie not only experiences eutrophication caused by runoff-laden phosphorus (P), but also by internal P loading caused by recycling of “legacy” P stored in bottom sediments. This phenomenon was ...

NOAA Ecological Forecast Helps Solve Mystery in La...

Residents of several northeast Ohio Lake Erie towns were surprised by a strong, foul smell during the first days of September. The residents, fearing a dangerous gas leak, called their ...

Coral Bleaching May be Induced by Hypoxia

NCCOS-supported researchers found low oxygen (hypoxia) led to coral bleaching, mass coral mortality, and changes in the microbial community on a Caribbean coral reef. In 2017, hypoxia was detected on ...

Larger than Expected Summer ‘Dead Zone’ Measured i...

Map of measured Gulf hypoxia zone, July 25–31, 2021 (LUMCON/NOAA). Red area denotes 2 mg/L of oxygen or lower, the level which is considered hypoxic, at the bottom of the ...


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