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Harmful Algal Bloom Community Technology Accelerat...

The project team will establish a California regional hub for harmful algal bloom data, technology, and knowledge transfer, and then expand or export these technological tools to other regions on ...

Using Uncrewed Aircraft Systems, Machine Learning,...

Marine debris injures and kills marine life, interferes with navigation safety, and poses a threat to human health. We are investigating and codifying a process to detect and identify marine ...


Scientists Use Land Use, Demographics Data to Mode...

The NOAA National Status and Trends Program (NST) monitors and characterizes the nation’s coastal waters at risk of contamination by anthropogenic inputs. NCCOS social scientists further characterize and model relationships ...

Machine Learning Collaboration Yields New Methods ...

A high-resolution UAS image taken at Neptune Bay, Oregon, by OSU researchers and labeled by a machine learning algorithm. Marine debris is a global issue that threatens our environment, navigation ...


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