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Assessing the Social and Cultural Importance of Su...

We are developing and validating a survey to measure the social and cultural importance of subsistence salmon harvest and use in Alaska. In the event of an oil spill or ...

Ecotoxicological Effects of Oil and Oil Spill Disp...

While chemical dispersants mitigate oil spills, they may also pose risks to coastal and estuarine ecosystems. We are determining oil and dispersant toxicity thresholds in seven key species to assess ...

Evaluating Changes in Health and Well-being in Com...

We are exploring how environmental changes that resulted from the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster of 2010 are affecting human health and well-being in neighboring coastal communities. Federal, state, and academic ...


Scientific Cruises Set Sail to Help Restore Open O...

NCCOS and partners are embarking on a series of science cruises to support four long-term restoration projects in the Gulf of Mexico. This effort will advance our ability to understand, ...

New StoryMap Provides Innovative Way to Transfer T...

NCCOS researchers created a StoryMap that shows oil and chemical spill responders how to build and use a new, spill assessment tool designed by NCCOS. Project team member removes shrimp ...

NOAA Refines Restoration Protocols for Oil-pollute...

Mesocosm facility at the NCCOS laboratory in Charleston, South Carolina. Credit: Katy Chung, NOAA NCCOS. NCCOS and NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration (ORR) are conducting a joint investigation to ...

Scientists Document Effect of Crude Oil on a Pacif...

Pocillopora damicornis tissue regeneration images following exposure to increasing concentrations of crude oil. Arrows indicate tissue loss at the highest oil concentrations. Credit: May et al., 2020. NCCOS scientists and ...

NCCOS Scientists Publish Flow Rates for 14-year-lo...

Scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) have calculated a new estimate of flow rates of oil leaking at the site of the former Taylor Energy Mississippi ...

U.S. Coast Guard Tours NCCOS's Charleston Laborato...

USCG members view coral in NCCOS Labs. Credit NOAA/NCCOS. Earlier this month, NCCOS's Charleston, South Carolina, laboratories hosted the Prevention and Response Departments from the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Sector ...

NOAA’s NCCOS Charleston Labs Host Senator Jerry Mo...

Senator Jerry Moran (top row, left) and Dr. Neil Jacobs (top row, 3rd from left) with Hollings Marine Lab Science Board in front of the HML, Charleston, SC. Credit NOAA ...

West Florida Shelf and Dry Tortugas Impact Gulf of...

The Loop Current takes various tracks, sometimes moving fairly directly from the Yucatan Peninsula to the Florida Straits and sometimes forming a large loop that extends into the northern Gulf ...


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