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Assessing Societal Impacts of Harmful Macroalgae B...

We will examine how Sargassum seaweed blooms and their mitigation in the Caribbean affect multiple dimensions of social resilience, including economic impacts, human well-being, local ecological knowledge, and individual attitudes, ...

Characterization of an Algicidal Agent Produced by...

We examined a biological control agent isolated from a bacteria species that may provide a mechanism for halting the growth of certain types of toxic dinoflagellate harmful algal blooms. We ...

DinoSHIELD: A Slow-release Natural Algicide Produc...

We will field test an environmentally neutral method to control harmful algal blooms. Our work will provide managers with information on the applications of a natural algicide as an environmentally ...

Enhancing Third-generation Environmental Sample Pr...

Monitoring the increase in cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (HABs) in nearshore environments is challenging. Recent development of a long-range autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) equipped with a third-generation Environmental Sample Processor ...

Evaluation of Mitigation Strategies for Harmful Al...

We will assess the potential economic benefits of mitigation strategies for harmful algal blooms in the Dungeness crab fishery along the U.S. West Coast. Why We Care In 2015, the ...

Harmful Algal Bloom Community Technology Accelerat...

The project team will establish a California regional hub for harmful algal bloom data, technology, and knowledge transfer, and then expand or export these technological tools to other regions on ...

The Dinoflagellate-Specific Algicide IRI-160AA: Is...

Building on previous research that showed the bacteria Shewanella sp. IRI-160 produces an algicide targeting dinoflagellates with no effect on other phytoplankton, the project team will determine the concentration of ...

Using Microcystin-degrading Bacteria and their Enz...

We will assess the potential that algal toxin–degrading bacteria have to degrade toxins from water treatment facilities. Why We Care Harmful algal blooms (HABs) occur in eutrophic waters across the ...

Value of the Pacific Northwest Harmful Algal Bloom...

We will estimate the economic benefits of the Pacific Northwest Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletin, using a methodology that quantifies the value of information. Why We Care The razor clam and ...

Value of the SoundToxins Partnership: An Early War...

We will estimate the net economic benefits of the harmful algal bloom early warnings provided by SoundToxins and evaluate net economic benefits to recreational shellfish harvesters. Why We Care A ...


Natural Algicide Eliminates Toxic Algae With Minim...

NCCOS-sponsored research on a natural algicide produced by Shewanella bacteria found that the compound can kill toxic algae without much harm to other organisms. The findings suggest that nature itself ...

Harmful Algal Bloom Symposium Highlights Early Car...

Credit: 10.5 U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae Planning Committee. The 10.5 U.S. Symposium on Harmful Algae held at the end of May showcased the work of students, postdoctoral, and early ...

HAB Toxin of Unknown Origin Linked to a Dinoflagel...

Dinophysis norvegica. Credit WHOI. The biological source of Dihydrodinopyhysistoxin-1 (aka dihydro-DTX1), a toxin that causes diarrhetic shellfish poisoning and once described from a marine sponge, is of yet unknown. In ...

New Research Raises Questions About How, Where Cya...

Cyanobacteria bloom in Maumee Bay, near Toldeo, Ohio, July 2015. Credit: Toldeo Aerial Media. New NCCOS-funded research shows that microbes in the water column may not play a primary role ...

Underwater Robotic Sensors Deployed in Gulf of Mai...

Map showing locations of ESPs (yellow dots) and cruise survey stations (blue dots) in the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Maine. Credit: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Last week, ...

NCCOS Considers Implications of Harmful Algal Bloo...

NCCOS Program Manager David Kidwell wasthe invited speaker at the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) October 2014 Annual Meeting special workshop session on novel approaches to mitigate HABs. Kidwell's ...


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