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Application of Quantitative Molecular Methods to C...

This project supports development for two lab-based quantitative molecular methods for more rapid, accurate detection of Alexandrium catenella resting cysts in sediment from the Gulf of Maine, Puget Sound, and ...

Developing a Machine Learning-Based, High Resoluti...

Blooms of Alexandrium occur in the Gulf of Maine each year and produce toxins that can accumulate in shellfish, causing Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning. Regional management agencies conduct rigorous monitoring to ...

Implementation of an Operational Model for Predict...

Earlier NOAA-funded research developed models to predict blooms of toxic Alexandrium fundyense. Toxins accumulate in shellfish, causing illness in human consumers, so states must monitor shellfish and ban harvesting when ...


NCCOS Supports Study that Reveals Algal Toxins in ...

NCCOS and NOAA’s Arctic Program supported research that led to an important discovery in the Bering Strait and North Slope regions of Alaska that raises concerns for Arctic wildlife health ...

Underwater Robotic Sensors Deployed in Gulf of Mai...

Map showing locations of ESPs (yellow dots) and cruise survey stations (blue dots) in the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of Maine. Credit: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Last week, ...

Study Evaluates Technologies for Early Warning of ...

Passive solid-phase adsorption toxin tracking, or SPATT, employs a synthetic resin contained in a mesh bag that adsorbs dissolved biotoxins from the water. The SPATT resin bags can be suspended ...

Robots Help Locate Origins of Shellfish Toxicity i...

Scientists deployed four underwater robotic Environmental Sample Processors (ESPs) in the Bay of Fundy and the eastern Gulf of Maine at the end of last month. The ESPs count the Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning ...

NCCOS Toxin Detection Technologies Officially Tran...

Regulatory scientists from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Columbia, candidates for reference laboratories, completed two weeks of formal training for high throughput detection of toxins responsible for paralytic shellfish ...


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