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New Pacific Ciguatoxins Identification and Analysi...

Ciguatoxins originate from marine algae, such as Gambierdiscus spp., enter the food web through fish, and pass to humans. To improve detection methods and better understand the production of ciguatoxins, ...


Yessotoxins Responsible for Mass Shellfish Mortali...

Dying clams in Hood Canal (Rocky Bay, Washington, 2019). Credit: King et al, 2021. In the summers of 2018 and 2019, shellfish growers in Washington state were rocked by mass ...

New Method Provides for Fast and Accurate Determin...

Washington state shellfish validated for LC-MS/MS method. Left to right: California and blue mussels, native littleneck clam, Manila littleneck clam, and Pacific oyster. Photo Credit: Washington State Department of Health ...


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Nitrogenous Nutrients Promote the Growth and Toxicity of Dinophysis acuminata during Estuarine Bloom Events

Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP) is a globally significant human health syndrome most commonly caused by dinoflagellates within the genus Dinophysis. While blooms of harmful algae have frequently been linked to excessive nutrient loading, Dinophysis is a mixotrophic alga whose growth ...

The emergence of Dinophysis acuminata blooms and DSP toxins in shellfish in New York waters

The dynamics of Dinophysis acuminata and its associated diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) toxins, okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1) as well as pectenotoxins (PTXs), were investigated within plankton and shellfish in Northport Bay, NY, USA, over a four year period ...

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