We’re hiring Facility Operations Specialists in Seldovia, AK (1), Oxford, MD (1), and Charleston, SC (3).

NCCOS Silver Spring

Silver Spring is the location of NCCOS headquarters, the Competitive Research Program, as well as scientific expertise in biogeography, habitat mapping, HAB forecasting and monitoring, and bioeffects of chemical contaminants.

Areas of Focus

Administration and Outreach Services

About Headquarters

NCCOS leadership, scientists, and support staff are co-located with other NOAA offices in Silver Spring, MD. NCCOS employees plan, manage, and execute the budget; set information technology policy; and provide policy and communications support to NCCOS leadership in its internal and external partnerships and in its interactions with Congress. The program office manages the Competitive Research Program and the RESTORE Act Science Program, and supervises or conducts science, research, and associated product development.