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National Inventory of Deep-sea Corals and Sponges:...

We are working in support of NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program to locate, map, and characterize deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems throughout U.S. and international waters. Information ...


NCCOS Helps Update National Database of Deep-Sea C...

A partial view of the NOAA Deep-Sea Coral & Sponge Map Portal. Credit NOAA DSCRTP. NOAA has released a report detailing the first major update of a deep-sea database since ...

NCCOS South Carolina Labs Host Congressman Joe Cun...

Congressman Joe Cunningham and the Charleston Lab Teams in front of Hollings Marine Lab in Charleston, South Carolina.  On September 10, 2019, the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) ...

NCCOS Expertise Highlighted at Coastal GeoTools Co...

NCCOS geospatial expertise was highlighted at this year's Coastal GeoTools Conference in North Charleston, SC earlier this month. Hosted by the Association of State Floodplain Managers, coastal management data professionals ...


Maps, Tools & Applications

Access deep sea coral and sponge data: Digital Map allows for search, discovery, and download of the National Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges Database. All points are categorized and colored by common vernacular categories. Users can search by taxon, region, time, and depth. Data downloads can be initiated using the search parameters on the map and the on-screen geographic extent.

Contributing Partners: NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP) and its partners.

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An introduction to NOAA's National Database for Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges

NOAA's Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSCRTP) is compiling a national database of the locations of deep-sea corals and sponges, beginning in U.S. waters. The DSCRTP will make this information accessible to resource managers, the scientific community, and ...

Observations of Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Occurrences from the NOAA National Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Database, 1842-Present (NCEI Accession 0145037)

NOAA’s Deep-Sea Coral Research and Technology Program (DSC-RTP) compiles a national database of the known locations of deep-sea corals and sponges in U.S. territorial waters and beyond. The database will be comprehensive, standardized, quality controlled, and networked to outside resources ...

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