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Kimbrough, K.L., W.E. Johnson, G.G. Lauenstein, J.D. Christensen, and D.A. Apeti. 2008. An assessment of two decades of contaminant monitoring in the nation's coastal zone. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 74. Silver Spring, MD. 105 pp.

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NOAA Technical Memorandum

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Information found in this report covers the years 1986 through 2005. Mussel Watch began monitoring a suite of trace metals and organic contaminants such as DDT, PCBs and PAHs. Through time additional chemicals were added, and today approximately 140 analytes are monitored. The Mussel Watch Program is the longest running estuarine and coastal pollutant monitoring effort conducted in the United States that is national in scope each year. Hundreds of scientific journal articles and technical reports based on Mussel Watch data have been written; however, this report is the first that presents local, regional and national findings across all years in a Quick Reference format, suitable for use by policy makers, scientists, resource managers and the general public.

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