Home > Explore Data & Reports > Best Management Practices for Marine Cage Culture Operations in the U.S. Caribbean


Price, C.S., and J. Beck-Stimpert. 2014. Best Management Practices for Marine Cage Culture Operations in the U.S. Caribbean. GCFI Special Publication Series Number 4. 52 pp.

Data/Report Type:

NOAA Professional Paper


These Best Management Practices will be useful to many stakeholders. Farm owners and operators can apply them to guide siting and farm management practices. Coastal managers and community planners can use this information to make environmentally responsible decisions about the economic opportunities that aquaculture offers. Federal, state, and local regulatory agencies can consider these practices as they develop and implement permitting and monitoring processes for the Caribbean offshore aquaculture industry. These Best Management Practices are a tool for implementing responsible marine cage culture which safeguards and maintains healthy ocean ecosystems.

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