Biogeographic characterization of fish and benthic communities, Parguera, Puerto Rico 2010-08-10 to 2012-09-21 (NODC Accession 0125201)

Roberson, K., L. Bauer, C. Caldow, C. Jeffrey, T. McGrath, and S. Hile
Data/Report Type:
NCEI Data Archive Accession


This fish and benthic composition database is the result of a multifaceted effort described below. The intent of this work is five fold: 1) To spatially characterize and monitor the distribution, abundance, and size of both reef fishes and macro-invertebrates (conch, lobster, Diadema); 2) To relate this information to in-situ data collected on associated benthic composition parameters; 3) To use this information to establish the knowledge base necessary for enacting management decisions in a spatial setting; 4) To establish the efficacy of those management decisions; and 5) To work with the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program to develop data collection standards and easily implemented methodologies for transference to other agencies and to work toward standardizing data collection throughout the US states and territories. Toward this end, the Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s Biogeography Branch (BB) has been conducting research in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands since 2000 and 2001, respectively. It is critical, with recent changes in management at both locations (e.g. implementation of MPAs) as well as proposed changes (e.g. zoning to manage multiple human uses) that action is taken now to accurately describe and characterize the fish/macro-invertebrate populations in these areas. It is also important that BB work closely with the individuals responsible for recommending and implementing these management strategies. Recognizing this, BB has been collaborating with partners at the University of Puerto Rico, National Park Service, US Geological Survey and the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources. To quantify patterns of spatial distribution and make meaningful interpretations, we must first have knowledge of the underlying variables determining species distribution. The basis for this work therefore, is the nearshore benthic habitats maps (less than 100 ft depth) created by NOAA’s Biogeography Program in 2001 and NOS’ bathymetry models. Using ArcView GIS software, the digitized habitat maps are stratified to select sampling stations. Sites are randomly selected within these strata to ensure coverage of the entire study region and not just a particular reef or seagrass area. At each site, fish, macro-invertebrates, and benthic composition information is then quantified following standardized protocols. By relating the data collected in the field back to the habitat maps and bathymetric models, BB is able to model and map species level and community level information. These protocols are standardized throughout the US Caribbean to enable quantification and comparison of reef fish abundance and distribution trends between locations. Armed with the knowledge of where “hot spots” of species richness and diversity are likely to occur in the seascape, the BB is in a unique position to answer questions about the efficacy of marine zoning strategies (e.g. placement of no fishing, anchoring, or snorkeling locations), and what locations are most suitable for establishing MPAs. Knowledge of the current status of fish/macro-invertebrate communities coupled with longer term monitoring will enable evaluation of management efficacy, thus it is essential to future management actions. Starting in 2010, the regular La Parguera survey area was extended eastward to encompass the Guanica Bay region. The purpose of this modification was to conduct a baseline assessment of fish, macro-invertebrates (conch, lobster, Diadema) and benthic communities in support of Guanica Bay watershed restoration, and then to monitor changes over time. A watershed management plan was developed in 2008 by the Center for Watershed Protection, in cooperation with various Divisions of Puerto Rico DNER and NOAA, to identify priority management recommendations and implementation strategies for the GuÊnica watershed based on input from local experts, observations from on-the-ground assessments, and a comprehensive review of existing studies and applicable local rules and regulations. The GuÊnica watershed was selected for the watershed planning project because it is a priority of the Commonwealth for conservation of the near shore coral reef habitat, which has been steadily declining in condition during the past several decades. Information collected during this survey will provide critical baseline information for the watershed and adjacent coral reefs which will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the restoration project implemented. More information on the Guanica Bay project can be found at: and,

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