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Louisiana Hypoxia Surveys 2008: Biological, chemical, and physical data collected off the coast of Louisiana as part of the Hypoxia Studies in the Northern Gulf of Mexico project in 2008 (NODC Accession 0069471)

Widgeon, T., and Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
Data/Report Type:
Sponsored Research


Two sets of CTD data were taken during the 2008 surveys of the Louisiana continental shelf. Hydrographic data were obtained with the LUMCON SeaBird 911+ CTD system and a YSI 6820. Nutrient, pigment, suspended sediment, surface salinity, secchi depth, and station information data were also acquired. The physical, biological and chemical data collected are part of a long-term coastal Louisiana dataset. The goal is to understand physical and biological processes that contribute to the causes of hypoxia and use the data to support environmental models for use by resource managers.

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