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Price, C.S., E. Keane, D. Morin, C. Vaccaro, D. Bean, and J.A. Morris, Jr. 2017. Protected species and marine aquaculture interactions. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 211. Beaufort, NC. 85 pp. https://doi.org/10.7289/V5/TM-NOS-NCCOS-211

Data/Report Type:

NOAA Technical Memorandum


This global assessment summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding documented and potential interactions of species listed under the ESA, such as sea turtles and marine mammals, and evaluates offshore longline mussel culture gear interactions as a case study. This assessment will strengthen the ability of NOAA and other regulatory agencies to make science-based decisions and recommendations as part of the review and consultation process required to permit aquaculture operations. In addition to providing a state of science analysis, the assessment includes a preliminary risk analysis to evaluate potential for harmful interactions between aquaculture and protected species, identifies knowledge gaps, provides management recommendations, and highlights areas of needed research.

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