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Kendall, M.S., and M. Poti. 2015. Transport pathways of marine larvae around the Mariana archipelago. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 193. Silver Spring, MD. 130 pp. doi:10.25923/bsrg-r770

Data/Report Type:

NOAA Technical Memorandum


The present study seeks to further our understanding of ocean currents in and around the Mariana archipelago and their potential influence on larval transport. We combined observational data on ocean currents from satellite-tracked surface drifters with computer simulations of larval dispersal driven by an ocean circulation model to achieve the following objectives: 1. Characterize the speed, direction, and variability (seasonal, inter-annual, Southern Oscillation state) of the ocean currents by which larvae are transported using satellite-tracked drifters. 2. Model the transport pathways of virtual larvae using computer simulations to determine key sources and destinations among islands. Quantify the influence of various life history traits on larval connectivity, including spawning season, larval duration and sensory/swimming capabilities. 3. Evaluate simulated connectivity for 6 locally important species identified by reef managers and scientists.

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