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Working with video to improve deep-sea habitat characterization

Etnoyer, P.J., M. Malik, D. Sowers, C. Ruby, R. Bassett, J. Dijkstra, N. Pawlenko, S. Gottfried, K. Mello, M. Finkbeiner, and A. Sallis
Data/Report Type:


Videos collected from ROVs empower people to explore the ocean from any location. Beyond the immediate value of revealing the mysteries of the deep ocean, video footage provides a rich data source that contributes to our fundamental understanding of the physical, biological, and chemical properties of explored ocean areas. NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research and its partners are improving video data management to extract the highest scientific value from these hard-to-obtain surveys of the deep, through development of species identification guides, improved scientific annotations, application of a standard classification scheme, citizen scientist engagement, and improved marine habitat assessment and characterization.

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