We’re hiring Facility Operations Specialists in Seldovia, AK (1), Oxford, MD (1), and Charleston, SC (3).

ESA-Listed Species Range Mapper (GIS)

Summary / Description

Intern will work with NMFS GIS staff at the headquarters Office of Protected Resources and in the regions to develop new species range files for Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed species that currently do not have geospatial data. The intern would revise current listed species’ data files (representing range distribution, critical habitat, distinct population segments, or other biologically important areas) to be utilized in a NMFS’ ESA-Listed Species Mapper which will be housed on the NOAA Geoplatform.

Skills Required

Moderate experience with GIS (e.g., experience creating GIS data files from geographic coordinates/boundaries; proficient in Microsoft Excel; Competent in using ArcGIS Online; Experience using and or creating geospatial tools; knowledge of ArcPy or Model Builder)

Type of Opportunity


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