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Employees Honored for Accomplishments

Published on: 10/18/2012

The 2012 NOS Diversity Day and Employee Recognition award ceremony highlighted several NCCOS staff for their exceptional contributions to the NOS mission.

Dr. Elizabeth (Beth) Turner received an NOS Employee of the Year Award for her nearly 20-year effort developing, enhancing, and sustaining NOAA's ecological forecasting capabilities.

Erik Ebert of Beaufort, NC garnered a Team Member of the Year Award for developing standard operating procedures and metadata standards for fish sonar systems on NOS research vessels.

Geoffrey Scott, Janet Moore, Michael Fulton and Paul Comar of Charleston, along with Russell Callender, NCCOS's acting Director, earned a peer recognition 'Rafting 'award for coordination among NOS offices responding to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Dr. Callender served as Master of Ceremonies for the award presentations. The award ceremony was held October 18, 2012 in the NOAA Auditorium, Silver Spring.

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