Home > Explore News > Science and Stewardship: Keys to Restoring Kachemak Bay (video)

Science and Stewardship: Keys to Restoring Kachemak Bay (video)

Published on: 07/30/2018
Region(s) of Study: U.S. States and Territories / Alaska
Primary Contact(s): kris.holderied@noaa.gov

Kachemak Bay, Alaska, has experienced significant declines in shrimp and crab that have not recovered despite fishery closures. NOAA has designated the bay a Habitat Focus Area, bringing together science, shellfish restoration, and the community to better understand and address challenges from changing conditions. NOAA is working with many partners to study and restore the bay ecosystem, monitor invasive species, and develop risk assessment tools.

Watch this video produced by NMFS, the NCCOS Kasitsna Bay Laboratory, and their partners to learn more:

Kachemak Bay, Alaska, locator map. Credit: Google Maps.

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