NCCOS and NMFS researchers participated in the Maryland Working Waterfronts Exchange at the Governor’s Hall at Sailwinds Park in Cambridge, MD on June 18, 2015. The meeting was hosted by MD Department of Natural Resources Chesapeake & Coastal Service office with the intent to highlight working waterfront protection and revitalization activities in Maryland’s coastal zone, share ideas and lessons learned from other coastal states, connect communities, discuss best practices, and share products that might be applicable to (or replicable in) other coastal communities.

Among the speakers were presentations that shared information about Maryland’s Working Waterfronts Program, an economic and business analysis for the City of Cambridge, and a visioning process and plan for enhancement of Smith Island. Dialogue and collaboration planning among stakeholder participants from federal, state, local and NGO organizations, industry and community partners was encouraged throughout the meeting and at a reception at the Richardson Maritime Complex (Ruark Boatworks) following the meeting.
For more information contact Suzanne Bricker.