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NCCOS Chesapeake Bay Aquaculture Ecosystem Services Study Aids Bay Oyster Management

The Chesapeake Community Research Symposium 2020 took place virtually from June 8-10, 2020. Credit Chesapeake Research Consortium.

A recent conference brought together managers, scientists, and stakeholders for a series of plenary talks, panel discussions, and special sessions to highlight recent progress, challenges, and prospects for research, monitoring, and modeling efforts that guide management and restoration efforts in Chesapeake Bay.

An NCCOS scientist and a University of Maryland Extension project partner presented results of a MD Sea Grant funded study designed to highlight the expected range of oyster harvest and associated nitrogen removal in MD Chesapeake Bay based on field sampling and modeling of four cage and two bottom spat on shell oyster operations. The presentation was part of the Chesapeake Community Research Symposium.

Results of the study were used to approve the recommendation by the Chesapeake Bay Oyster Best Management Practice  (BMP) Panel for use of harvested oyster tissue as a nutrient BMP in Chesapeake Bay. Results were also used to consider inclusion of oysters in the MD Nutrient Credit Trading Program; two MD oyster growers have already been paid for the nutrient removal by their oysters. This work highlights the importance of integrating aquaculture science into resource management programs.

The symposium was held virtually from June 8-10, 2020 with four concurrent sessions each day and was sponsored by the Chesapeake Research Consortium and NOAA.

For more information, contact Suzanne Bricker (MSE/COL) or Matt Parker (UMD Ext).