The 2014 NOS Employee Recognition and Awards Ceremony honored ten NCCOS staff membersfor outstanding accomplishments, contributions, and coordination efforts within NOS and NOAA. NCCOS staff memberscomprised about 14 percent of the individuals receiving awards.
The 2014 NCCOS awardees:
Employee of the Year
Marie DeLorenzo (CCEHBR) for developing and implementing a research plan on climate change effects on contaminant toxicity in estuarine species.
Christina (Tina) Mikulski (CCEHBR) for developing cutting-edge technology for the remote, autonomous detection of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs).
Karen Hayman (CCEHBR) for outstanding performance of duties during extended vacancy of support position.
Team Member of the Year
Danielle Dupuy (CCMA) for commitment and expertise towards improving and disseminating NOAA real-time Lake Erie cyanobacteria HAB forecasts.
Peer Recognition & Appreciation (‘Rafting’)
Christine Buckel (CCFHR) for dedicated support of the Ecosystem Protection Working Group as part of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) Advisory Council Marine Zoning and Regulatory Review.
ShayViehman (CCFHR) for dedicated support of the Ecosystem Protection Working Group as part of the FKNMS Advisory Council Marine Zoning and Regulatory Review.
Elizabeth (Beth) Turner (CSCOR) for developing the foundation for and enhancing cross-line office coordination of NOAA’s Ecological Forecasting Roadmap infrastructure.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Diversity
Lonnie Gonsalves (CCEHBR) for developing partnerships with minority serving institutions through improving the relationship between NCCOS and the NOAA Environmental Cooperative Science Center.
NOS Assistant Administrator Special Recognition
Theresa Goedeke (CCMA) for enhancing the work of the Federal Employee Survey Contribution Team.
Mark Monaco (CCMA) for facilitating the work of the Hurricane Sandy supplemental appropriation relief effort.

At the ceremony, Acting NOS Assistant Administrator (AA) Russell Callender provided an overview of NOS Program Office success stories and highlighted some of the many accomplishments, including NCCOS HAB forecasting in Lake Erie. He also announced the winners of the first NOS Photo Contestwhich included a winning photo from the Hollings Marine Laboratory. Acting Deputy AA David Holst served as Master of Ceremonies. The ceremony was held October 30, 2014 at the NOAA Auditorium in Silver Spring, MD.
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