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NCCOS Leads on New Action Strategy for Addressing HABs, Hypoxia

NCCOS and NOAA staff, in coordination with 12 other federal agencies, rolled out a strategy to increase collaboration in research and improve communications of the risks of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and hypoxia, twin threats to our nation’s waters. The group is co-led by Mary Erickson, director of NCCOS. Caitlin Gould, NCCOS, is the coordinator for the group, and numerous NCCOS staff contributed to the production of the report.

Harmful Algal Blooms and Hypoxia Comprehensive Research Plan and Action Strategy: An Interagency Reportfulfills the initial requirements of the Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Amendments Act of 2014 (HABHRCA; P.L. 113-124). Broadly, the report recommends expanding research on predicting toxicity onset, establishing CRMs and standardized testing methods for HAB toxins, improving monitoring and long-term modeling for environmental conditions and disease surveillance, and improving how we communicate the risks of HABs and hypoxia to the public. The group also committed to increasing and continuing interagency collaboration on working to address these issues.

In this post for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Russell Callender, assistant NOAA administrator for the National Ocean Service, along with colleagues from OSTP and the Environmental Protection Agency, explains more.

The group is working on the next report required by HABHRCA, a plan for addressing HABs and hypoxia in the Great Lakes. They are connecting with stakeholders throughout the region to discuss management and research needs, successes, and methods of communication. Anticipated completion of the report is early summer 2016. Additionally, the group has begun work on an implementation plan for the recommendations under the first report. They look forward to collaborating with stakeholders and partners on this endeavor.

For more information, contact Caitlin.Gould@noaa.gov