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NOAA Hollings Scholar Receives Multiple Awards

Jeffrey Good, a NOAA Hollings Scholar who interned at NCCOS’sCenter for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research (CCEHBR) last summer, was recently awarded a prestigious grant from the Fulbright U.S. Student Program. Jeff will be traveling to Semarang, Indonesia to work with Dr. Budi Widianarko, an environmental scientist and food technician at Soegijapranata Catholic University. His research project will focus on effects of industrial pollution on commercially important marine organisms in aquaculture using knowledge and techniques he learned during his internship at CCEHBR.

Jeff Good preparing a sediment toxicity test composed of juvenile clams exposed to an oil dispersant.
NOAA Hollings Scholar, Jeff Good, preparing a sediment toxicity test composed of juvenile clams exposed to an oil dispersant.

Jeff, a senior at Eckerd College located in St. Petersburg, FL, was also recently awarded first place in the oral presentationsof the Eighth Annual Eckerd College Student Research Symposium. Jeff presented research from his CCEHBR internship entitled ‘Effects of Two Oil Dispersing Chemicals on Larval and Juvenile Clams (Mercenaria mercenaria).’ His research was part of a current project being conducted by CCEHBR’s Estuaries and Land Use Branch that focuses on the ecotoxicological effects of oil and oil spill dispersants on sensitive estuarine species.

For more information, contact Pete.Key@noaa.gov.