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NCCOS Researcher Brings His Work to Smithsonian Museum Visitors

Dr. Matt Kendall, a marine biologist with the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, participated in the Smithsonian’s “The Scientist Is In” program at the Natural History Museum on June 19. Dr. Kendall created an interactive demonstration for the Ocean Hall about wind-driven currents using a water-bin, fan, and food coloring. Current dynamics were then highlighted in Dr. Kendall’s present research examining transport of marine larvae. Computer simulations allowed museum visitors to try and predict ideal locations for marine protected areas based on larval transport. Dr. Kendall engaged with nearly 250 museum visitors from kindergartners to grandparents. The program both enhances the experience of museum visitors and provides scientists with a challenging opportunity to translate their technical work for a diverse audience.For more information, contact: Matt.Kendall@noaa.gov