Home > Explore News > NCCOS Scientists Met with Great Lakes Regional Committee to Discuss Enhanced NOAA Mussel Watch Capabilities for Answering Regional Management Questions on Contaminants

NCCOS Scientists Met with Great Lakes Regional Committee to Discuss Enhanced NOAA Mussel Watch Capabilities for Answering Regional Management Questions on Contaminants

Published on: 03/21/2012
Region(s) of Study: Foreign Countries

Representatives from the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science met withthe Federal-State Areas of Concern Coordinating Committee (FEDSTACC), a group of regionalstakeholders from across the Great Lakes basin, to discuss the common goals of removing EPA-designated Beneficial Use Impairments (BUI) from designated sites and monitoring the recovery ofEPA-designated Areas of Concern (AOCs), areas defined by higher than preferred contaminant levels.

NCCOS scientists presented research capabilities for addressing the Degradation of Benthos BUI and theaddition of other NCCOScapabilities for further meeting the needs of the managers and stakeholders throughout the Great Lakesregion.

Additional capabilities of the NOAA Mussel Watch Program will include implementation of aspatially-robust and statistically-enhanced monitoring program that will ensure precise informationon benthic community health in AOC recovery.

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