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NOAA Administrator Honors NCCOS Employees

At the 2013 NOAA Administrator and Technology Transfer Awards ceremony, Acting NOAA Administrator Dr. Kathryn Sullivan recognized four NCCOS employees for accomplishments that brought unusual credit to NOAA and the Department of Commerce.

The following NCCOS employees received the Administrator’s Award:

  • Kimberly Puglise, Felix Martinez, and Michael Dowgiallo for ‘leading foundational research and consensus building that established the new scientific field of mesophotic coral ecosystems.’
  • Robert Wood for ‘scientific achievement in identifying the role of multi-decadal climate patterns on striped bass harvests and its fishery management implications.’

The award ceremony was held on Dec. 3 in the NOAA Auditorium in Silver Spring, Maryland. NCCOS and the National Ocean Service greatly appreciate the award recipients’ contributions to NOAA’s mission.

For more information, contact Michael.Dowgiallo@noaa.gov.