Home > Explore News > NOAA Hollings Scholars Provide New Toxicity Data on Oil Spill Dispersants

NOAA Hollings Scholars Provide New Toxicity Data on Oil Spill Dispersants

Published on: 08/08/2016
Primary Contact(s): marie.delorenzo@noaa.gov

NOAA Hollings scholars Brittany Evans (Eckerd College) and Catherine Nguyen (University of Maryland) spent this summer at the NCCOS laboratory in Charleston, South Carolina, researching the effects of oil spill dispersants on estuarine species.

Evans compared dispersant toxicity in snails under different salinities, while Nguyen investigated the effects of dispersants on grass shrimp development. Their findings will be used to inform decisions on the use of dispersants in future oil spills. The students presented their results at the NOAA Office of Education's Science and Education Symposium in Silver Spring, Maryland, on August 2, 2016.

To learn more about the Hollings Scholarship, visit the NOAA Office of Education's website.

For more information, contact Marie.Delorenzo@noaa.gov or Pete.Key@noaa.gov.

Brittany Evans prepares snail tissue for biomarker analysis.

Brittany Evans prepares snail tissue for biomarker analysis. Credit: NOAA.

Catherine Nguyen collects grass shrimp in a local tidal creek.

Catherine Nguyen collects grass shrimp in a local tidal creek. Credit: NOAA.

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