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NOAA Releases Final Plan for RESTORE Act Science Program

Published on: 05/06/2015
Region(s) of Study: Waterbodies / Gulf of Mexico
Primary Contact(s): Julien.Lartigue@noaa.gov

RESTORE coverOn May 6, 2015, NOAA released the final version of the NOAA RESTORE Science Program plan. The plan establishes ten long-term research priorities that will guide how the program invests its funds. It also explains how prior assessments for the Gulf of Mexico region and earlier stakeholder input needs were used to determine these areas of investment. Many of the recommendations NOAA received during a public comment period were incorporated into the final plan. The Science Program looks forward to continued dialogue with proponents of the Gulf of Mexico and the impact this program can have on the region. The Program will work closely with the research and resource management communities to address and implement the priorities outlined in the plan.

The unveiling of the long-term priorities of the RESTORE Act Science Program is tied to the five-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and is designed to aid in the ecological and economic recovery of the Gulf Coast states.

For more information, contact Julien Lartigue.

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