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NOAA Scientists and Sponsored Researchers Participate in the 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae

The 19th International Conference on Harmful Algae (ICHA) was held remotely October 10th – 15th, 2021 from La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Almost 400 ICHA contributions from 47 countries were divided between 9 plenary speakers, 244 oral presentations, and 138 posters (including 40 speed talks). NOAA scientists and sponsored researchers presented 43 of the 71 contributions from the United States. These presentations highlighted science and strategies to understand, detect, predict, control, mitigate, and respond to marine and freshwater harmful algal blooms (HABs).

NCCOS scientists participated in several special sessions, which addressed 1. HAB Early Warning Systems, 2. the National HAB Observing Network Northeast (NHABON-NE), a prototype node for a national HAB sensor network in the United States, and 3. Impacts of HABs on Fish Farms, highlighting needs of fish farmers and insurance companies.

NOAA sponsored the participation of 9 students, 1 postdoc, and 5 managers from the U.S. These awards promote conference participation of early career scientists and managers, advancing equitable access to new HAB research applications.

For additional information, contact Kaytee Pokrzywinski (kaytee.Pokrzywinski@noaa.gov, NCCOS HAB Forecasting Branch), or Maggie Broadwater (maggie.broadwater@noaa.gov, NCCOS Competitive Research Program).

New virtual conference center and interior lobby for 19th ICHA, La Paz, Mexico. Credit ICHA.