Home > Explore News > Offshore wind farms will be encouraged in tracts along the East Coast - The Washington Post

Offshore wind farms will be encouraged in tracts along the East Coast - The Washington Post

Published on: 07/24/2012
Research Area(s): Marine Spatial Ecology

The federal government is poised to auction to wind farm developers 2,434 square miles of the continental shelf in the Atlantic Ocean, which would allow wind farms to sprout 10 miles off the shores of six states, from Massachusetts to Virginia.

Extensive efforts are underway to avoid the fiasco of the first proposed offshore wind farm in U.S. waters. That 24-square mile project off the coast of Cape Cod unleashed a fierce, decade-long battle that still lingers in the courts. Although Europe has had offshore wind farms for many years, the United States remains without even one.

The plan to auction leases to offshore wind farm developers represents an enormous commitment to a potentially vast new industry.

via Offshore wind farms will be encouraged in tracts along the East Coast - The Washington Post.

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